• blood disorders
    Low platelets count causes and its treatment options

    Treating low platelets count depends on the cause and severity. The main aim is to prevent fatality and disability caused by excessive bleeding due to low platelets count.

    Mild causes of low platelets count do not require treatment. If an individual has a normal platelets count, it is not going to prevent profuse bleeding in case of serious wounds and injuries inflicted in serious accidents.

    Thrombocytopenia or low platelets count can be cured if the underlying treatment is treated.

    If low platelets count causes are due to medications, then your doctor might prescribe different medicines to treat the ongoing medical condition. Thrombocytopenia usually gets cured when the medications change.

    Thrombocytopenia due to heparin (HIT heparin induced thrombocytopenia) is difficult to reverse even if administration of heparin is stopped. Other blood clotting medications might be required to treat the condition.

    Other than this, following treatment options can be considered to treat low platelets count causes:

    • Medicines
      Doctors might prescribe corticosteroids, that will help in slowing down platelets destruction. Corticosteroids can be given intravenously or orally. If the reason for low platelets count is an auto immune disease that kills platelets, then the doctor might administer medicines that suppresses the immune system. Opposite to this, if a person is suffering from disease that lowers the immune system and hence the platelets count, then in such cases, the doctor might prescribe medicines that improves the immune system and hence the platelets count.
    • Blood or platelet transfusions
      Severe conditions of low platelets count might require this treatment option. People who stand at a higher risk of blood loss are fed with healthy blood and or platelets intravenously.
    • Splenectomy
      It is a surgery to remove spleen. It is one of the treatment options that is considered by the doctors in case none of the medications work. It is mostly applied to adults who suffer from ITP (immune thrombocytopenia).
    • Natural remedies to treat low platelets count causes
      While the person is undertaking any of the above treatment options to treat his or her condition of thrombocytopenia, these natural remedies can be incorporated to help assist with the condition of low platelet count. (Red) fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, plums, watermelons, cherries and berries are full of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant properties that help increasing the number of platelets in the blood. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, free-range eggs, flaxseed oil, tuna, wild salmon help in increasing the immune system which naturally increases the platelet level count.
  • blood disorders
    Common signs and symptoms that indicate blood disorders

    Of all the diseases that plague the world, blood disorders are one of those which need to be detected and treated right away. Blood performs the primary function of carrying nutrients to the different parts of the body, and blood disorders tend to cripple this function. Blood disorders affect the three main components of the blood, namely, the Red Blood Cells (RBCs), the White Blood Cells (WBCs) and the platelets. Each of these components has a function to perform, which ensures that our body functions in its optimum form.

    The primary function of the RBCs is to carry oxygen to the different parts of the body; the WBCs are enlisted with the task of fighting infections that can affect the body, and the platelets are that component of the blood that allows it to clot, a function that comes in handy in cases of injury. When blood disorders strike, it is one of these three components that are affected, and this, in turn, affects its functions as well. When these components are affected, the following symptoms surface.

    When RBCs are affected, the following symptoms surface-

    • Since the primary function of the RBCs is to supply oxygen to the other parts of the body, and when this function is affected, the different parts of the body will not receive the required amount of oxygen. Thus, the person experiences fatigue frequently.
    • The person suffering from a blood disorder that affects the RBCs also experiences trouble in breathing. Shortness of breath is a common symptom of blood disorders.
    • Due to the limited supply of oxygen to the brain, the person experiences difficulty in focusing on the task at hand.
    • Also, the reduced supply of oxygen also results in muscle weakness.

    When the WBCs are affected by certain blood disorders, it shows the following symptoms-

    • Since WBCs are affected, it affects its ability to fight infections. So, a person suffers from this kind blood disorders fall prey to infections quite easily.
    • Also, the person affected by this kind of blood disorder experiences sudden weight loss.
    • The blood disorders that affect the WBCs can result in the person experiencing a constant feeling of being unwell.

    The platelets are instrumental in blood clotting which prevents excessive bleeding.

    • Blood disorders that affect the platelets affect its clotting abilities as well. So, one of the common symptoms of a blood disorder of this kind is that the blood doesn’t clot when the person is injured, and this results in excessive bleeding.
    • The person’s skin is easily bruised when affected by such blood disorders.
    • Also, the person experiences unexplained nosebleeds or bleeding from the gums.
    • Since the clots don’t form easily, it takes longer time for cuts and wounds to heal.
  • blood disorders
    5 grave blood disorders that can prove fatal if left unchecked

    The human body is no stranger to malicious agents attacking it, and desperately trying to enter it to cause a ruckus that will have us confined to the bed for a long time. Every part, every organ and every element in the body is vulnerable to disorders, be it the kidneys, lungs, heart, and even blood.

    Blood disorders aren’t a rare phenomenon, 2 in 10 individuals suffer from blood disorders in the USA. These blood disorders surface when the components of blood are affected, and the ailment becomes prominent when left unchecked. The components of blood, the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, can trigger different types of blood disorders. Even the liquid part of the blood, the plasma remains unsafe from the onslaught of various diseases. One needs to be aware of the dangers blood disorders pose. Here are some of the common blood disorders that can affect anyone.

    • Anemia- Anemia is a blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. Red blood cells (RBCs) are the oxygen carriers; they carry oxygen to and from the lungs. When these red blood cells are affected, it hampers this entire process. The deficiency of iron in the blood is the cause of Anemia. The body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, and when there’s a deficiency of iron in the body, it affects the hemoglobin count, which, in turn, hinders the RCBs function.
    • Sickle Cell Anemia– Another blood disorder that causes serious disruption in the body is the Sickle Cell Anemia. In this blood disorder, the RBCs are sickle-shaped. This unusual shape of the RBCs interferes with its primal function of transferring oxygen to the different parts of the body. This blood disorder is genetic, and stem cell therapy might be the only way of treating this blood disorder.
    • Lymphoma- This blood disorder surfaces when the white blood cells, lymphocytes are affected. It is a type of blood cancer where the white blood cells start modifying and grow out of control. In fact, it starts multiplying at an uncontrolled rate. Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are the two types of lymphoma that can affect an individual.
    • Hemophilia- Hemophilia is a blood disorder that occurs when the platelets are affected. The platelets are known to prevent excessive bleeding by cause clots at the spot of injury. A person suffering from hemophilia is prone to excessive bleeding inside or outside the body since the platelet is affected and it cannot form clots to stop the bleeding.
    • Thalassemia- Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects the RBCs ability to transfer oxygen to the different parts of the body. When this blood disorder strikes, it causes various complications such as heart problems, bone deformities, enlarged spleen, and developmental delays in children.
  • blood disorders
    6 things to know about treating hemophilia B

    Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that prevents the blood from clotting. This causes uncontrolled bleeding in the case of injuries or wounds. In some cases, there can be spontaneous bleeding without any reason. Hemophilia can cause external as well as internal bleeding as well. Hemophilia is caused due to lack of clotting factors in the blood. Deficiency of factor IX causes hemophilia B. This component is necessary for stopping the bleeding. Treatment of hemophilia B is done to reduce the debilitating effects of the disorder since there is no complete cure.

    Here are six things to know about the treatment of hemophilia B:

    • Treatment of hemophilia B involves replacing the blood clotting factor IX in the blood. Known as replacement therapy, the treatment of hemophilia is done by injecting factor concentrates into the vein. These concentrates are commercially prepared or through donated blood.
    • Treatment of hemophilia B with replacement therapy is done only in severe cases. Replacement therapy or clotting therapy has to be done fairly regularly, about two to three times a week. A regular administration of clotting factors helps to prevent episodes of uncontrolled bleeding.
    • If the replacement therapy is done using donated blood, it is necessary to screen the blood, especially for hepatitis meticulously. The use of donated blood carries the risk of transmitting hepatitis C virus or HIV. Ensure that the blood used for the treatment of hepatitis B is tested for the presence of viruses and bacteria to avoid further complications of health.
    • In mild cases, treatment of hemophilia B through replacement therapy is done before taking up any activities that have a high probability of sustaining injuries with bleeding. These activities can include surgery or dental extractions. The replacement therapy will help in the formation of blood clots and prevent excessive loss of blood. In the case of minor cuts and wounds, it is enough to clean the wound, apply pressure and wrap a bandage around the injured area.
    • In case of severe injuries, factor IX has to administer immediately. It is not necessary to go to a hospital or emergency room in such cases. Often patients and their families are trained how to administer factor XI concentrates at home.
    • A treatment of hemophilia B can be more effective by following a healthy diet. Include food rich in B vitamins, Vitamin K, calcium, and iron. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and lettuce should be a regular part of the diet; egg yolks, poultry, oranges, nuts, soy products and so on should also form a part of the diet.
  • blood disorders
    4 reasons for high bilirubin levels

    Found in bile produced by the body, bilirubin is produced when old red blood cells are broken down by the liver. The hemoglobin in the red blood cells is converted to bilirubin. Bilirubin is brownish yellow. It is ejected from the body through stools.

    Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in small amounts. Although this small amount is not harmful, an excess of bilirubin in the body can lead to a lot of health complications. Diseases of the liver, red blood cells or gallbladder can lead to high bilirubin levels in the body. It may cause jaundice and yellow discoloration of the skin or whites of the eyes. Here are four reasons that may cause high bilirubin levels:

    • Gallbladder and bile duct disease: High bilirubin levels can be caused due to damage or blockage of bile ducts. The blockage can be caused due to a condition known as cholestasis. This condition can also reduce the secretion of bile from the liver leading to high bilirubin levels. Gallbladder stones can also cause the levels of bilirubin to increase.
    • Liver diseases: To be ejected from the body, bilirubin needs to be in soluble form. The conversion into soluble bilirubin is done by the liver. Conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis cause the liver to malfunction and interfere with the conversion of bilirubin. Thus, bilirubin is not excreted from the body, leading to an increased level in the body. Genetic conditions such as Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Gilbert syndrome can also lead to high bilirubin levels.
    • Hemolytic anemia: This condition causes a premature breakdown of the red blood cells. This increased rate of red blood cells breakdown leads to an increased production of bilirubin in the body. Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus can also cause hemolytic anemia leading to high bilirubin levels in the body. Specific types of leukemia, lymphoma, and Epstein-Barr virus can also bring about hemolytic anemia.
    • Medications: High bilirubin levels can also be caused by the use of certain medications. These medications affect the functioning of the liver and the production of bilirubin in the body. Certain types of antibiotics that are used to treat gout can lead to high bilirubin levels. Psychiatric drugs, antibiotics, estrogen drugs, and anabolic steroids can also lead to high bilirubin levels. The excess use of medications that prove to be toxic to the liver can cause the levels of bilirubin in the body to go up.
  • blood disorders
    6 things you need to know about hemophilia B

    Hemophilia is caused when the plasma in the blood lacks enough protein to cause blood clotting. Hemophilia is an inherited disorder that leads to abnormal bleeding in the affected person. There are two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Hemophilia A is more common since it affects nearly 80% of the people with this disorder. Hemophilia B is quite rare; it occurs among 20% of the people with hemophilia. The treatment of hemophilia B and hemophilia A is not curative but work towards helping the patient lead a life as normal as possible. Here are six things to know about Hemophilia B:

    • Hemophilia B is linked with the X-chromosome. Since men have XY-chromosome, they are more susceptible to this disorder. Women have XX-chromosome. So, one faulty gene’s effects are nullified by the other normal gene. Although women are less susceptible to hemophilia, they can be carriers of the faulty gene, which they can pass it on to their child.
    • Symptoms of hemophilia B include nose bleeding without any reason, excessive blood loss even with minor cuts and wounds, the presence of blood in stool or urine, bleeding for a long-term after tooth extraction, intermittent bleeding from cuts and wounds, bruises that are large, muscle or joint bleeding with pain and swelling.
    • Treatment of hemophilia B involves several processes: managing episodes of bleeding, managing hemostasis, using factor replacement medications, treating with factor inhibitors, and rehabilitation.
    • There are two types of treatment; hemophilia B can be treated with replacement therapy and clotting agents. Treatment of hemophilia B through replacement therapy is done by increasing factor IX levels in the blood. Factor IX is required for blood clotting. Along with replacement therapy, clotting agents are used in the treatment of hemophilia B. The clotting agents prevent the blood clots from dissolving, thus putting a stop to the bleeding.
    • Treatment of hemophilia B in severe cases is done through prophylaxis. This involves continuous and regular treatments with factor replacement therapies. Such a treatment aims to avoid episodes of bleeding even before they take place.
    • Treatment of hemophilia should be ideally done at a hemophilia center. These centers have specialists in dentistry, orthopedics, hematology, and surgery. These specialists have extensive experience in handling and managing hemophilia B cases. Along with these specialists, such centers have other professionals such as nurses, social workers, and physiotherapists who have experience in dealing with hemophilia B patients.
  • blood disorders
    4 tips to eat healthily and lower bilirubin levels

    Bilirubin is produced by the conversion of hemoglobin when the liver breaks down red blood cells that are no longer required by the body. High bilirubin levels in the body are caused due to an increase in toxicity in the liver, malfunction of the liver or the gallbladder. High levels of bilirubin can also be caused due to diseases such as cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, gallstones, leukemia, Gilbert syndrome, pancreatitis, cancer or inflammation of the gallbladder.

    High bilirubin levels can cause jaundice-like symptoms such as yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. In case of Gilbert syndrome, the body experiences constant fatigue or stomach pain. The best way to treat these symptoms and lower bilirubin levels is by consulting a doctor and following a prescribed treatment plan. Along with treatments, it is necessary to fortify the liver so that its functions return to normal, thus lowering bilirubin levels. One way to do this is by eating a healthy diet that works towards making the liver strong. Here are a few things that should be a part of the diet when high bilirubin levels are produced in the body:

    • Food with high nutrient content: Nutrients in the food is processed by the liver. The liver also filters the blood to get rid of toxins. The liver’s functions are boosted when the diet is packed with nutrient-rich food. It is essential to make the following things a part of daily diet: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, lean meat such as chicken, fish, beans and so on.
    • High-fiber content food: It is claimed that a diet rich in fiber helps to increase the regeneration of cells of the liver. Eating soluble fiber also helps in easing bowel movements. Whole grains, beans, fresh vegetables, and fruits are rich sources of fiber. Black beans and kidney beans are known to have a high percentage of fiber.
    • Opt for red vegetables and fruits: Red fruits and vegetables contain a chemical and antioxidant called as lycopene. Lycopene is known to be beneficial for liver health. A high proportion of lycopene is present in cooked tomatoes, guavas, watermelon, papayas, cooked sweet red peppers, and grapefruit. Tomato juice and tomato paste are also good sources of lycopene.

    Food to avoid

    Food that causes inflammation of the liver can aggravate the symptoms of high bilirubin levels. It is essential to avoid food that is high in processed sugar and fat. Deep fried and greasy food should not be consumed. Carbonated drinks and fast food should not be part of the diet. The amount of salt in food should be reduced. Alcohol should be avoided as well.