• Diet Plans
    Benefits of a high-fiber diet

    Regular exercise and abstaining from tobacco and alcohol are some of the ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. Yet, there is one fundamental rule that many of us tend to overlook, a healthy, high-fiber diet plan. While keeping away from greasy, fatty foods and quitting bad habits can improve the quality of life, it is just as important to consume adequate amounts of fibrous foods. Let us look at how they can help.

    Maintains healthy weight
    Weight gain is a problem that is affecting a growing number of people. A sedentary lifestyle coupled with an affinity for processed food means that we are not able to burn excess calories. However, a high fiber diet plan can help counter this. Fibrous foods are more filling than those low in fiber and keep us feeling full for longer. They also contain fewer calories than other foods of the same volume. Therefore, we are more likely to eat less and burn a higher amount of calories.

    Regulates bowel movements
    No amount of healthy foods and exercise will do you good if you have irregular bowel movements. Constipation is more than a discomfort. Complications can arise and may warrant treatments. Some effects of constipation are hemorrhoids, fecal impaction anal fissures, and rectal prolapse. High fiber diet plans can minimize these conditions by helping the body pass stool easily. They keep the colon healthy and even reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

    Lowers cholesterol
    High cholesterol can pose a danger to health and put you at risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Bad’ cholesterol like LDL can build up in the arteries and form plaque, which hardens them. Oxygen-rich blood is unable to flow properly and leads to a host of problems. While genetics do play a role in pushing up cholesterol, you can keep it balanced by eating fibrous foods and cutting back on those that contain saturated fat.

    Regulates blood sugar levels
    Diabetics need to follow a strict diet plan that aims to slow the absorption of sugar and keep sugar levels low. If you are a diabetic or are looking to reduce the risk of developing the disease, try to include the highest fiber foods in your diet. Choose a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber will lower the absorption of cholesterol while insoluble fiber will promote healthy bowel movements.

    What and how much
    There are many high fiber foods that you can enjoy eating. They include lentils, lima beans, black beans, artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, raspberries, pears, and avocado, to name a few. Whole-wheat grains, flaxseed, and chia seeds are a few more to try. A general rule for consuming adequate fiber is to get about 14 grams per 1,000 calories. Men need around 30-38 grams a day while women require 25 grams a day. This intake reduces to 21 grams for women aged 51 years and over.
    Redesigning your diet plan to include sufficient fiber is a small price to pay to stave off life-threatening diseases. Make a change today to give your body and mind the attention they deserve. Add exercise to the mix and you will reap the benefits of good health.

  • Diet Plans
    5 food items that combat inflammation

    The ideal approach to control inflammation is not through medicines but through a proper diet. The immune system battles anything inside the body that it perceives as remote. For example, an attacking microorganism, plant dust, or substance. The reaction leads to inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s safe reaction. It sends signals and warning so that the immune system can handle it. Lack of sleep, anxiety, hereditary qualities, wrong eating habits can lead to inflammation.

    Causes of inflammation
    There are several factors that can cause inflammation. This includes certain foods. In order to fight inflammation, they should be avoided. Artificial food items like animal products, refined flours, and sugars lead to inflammation. They increase weight, cause joint pain and exhaustion. They also kill the probiotic microbes in the stomach. They are also associated with a large group of diseases, ranging from coronary illness to diabetes.  In order to combat inflammation, there are a number of food items that can be included in your diet.

    Food items to combat inflammation

    • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are high in vitamin C, potassium and lycopene. Lycopene is a cancer prevention agent with amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It is very beneficial for reducing pro-inflammatory compounds related to several types of cancer.
    • Olive oil: Olive oil can decrease inflammation. It has antioxidants which have several health benefits. The main anti-inflammatory effects are mediated by the antioxidants. Since oil is used in cooking most of the dishes, switch to olive oil. It is also beneficial for the overall health.
    • Green vegetables: Green vegetables like spinach and collards fight inflammation. They have high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, iron, and calcium. They are a vital part of the balanced diet. They should be included in at least one of the three meals in a day. They have fibers that improve the digestive system and the immune system. A strong immune system can defend the body from infections due to external factors.
    • Fruits: Fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and orange also help in combating inflammation. They are low in fat, calories and high in antioxidants. Fruits should be consumed on a daily basis. The vitamins obtained through fruits cannot be obtained from other sources.
    • Fatty fish: Salmon, tuna, and sardines are rich in calcium, selenium, and vitamin D. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 acids can help deal with arthritis and prevention of heart disease.

    Therefore, to lessen inflammation in your body, choose a healthy diet. Find a proper eating arrangement that restricts your diet to anti-inflammatory food. The above mentioned food items should be part of your daily meals.

  • Diet Plans
    Habits that can keep colon issues at bay

    Colon issues develop due to unhealthy eating habits. Irregular food cycle is also one of the reasons people suffer from various colon issues. Some of these issues can take turn for worse and turn into a life-threatening condition. Hence, it is necessary that you follow proper diet and eat healthy food to keep colon issues at bay.

    The following food and habits can help you detoxify and keep the colon healthy, thereby reducing the risks of several colon issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulosis, and colon cancer. They can also help in reducing the discomforts of bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, and gas.

    Fiber-rich food
    Fiber-rich food can be helpful in maintaining a healthy colon. Foods such as raspberries, bananas, prunes, peas and broccoli, beans, celery, and whole wheat pasta are rich sources of fiber that helps to cleanse the body. Foods rich in fiber help in waste moving along the digestive tract. This, in turn, helps in keeping the intestine and colon clean and disease-free.

    Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is advantageous when trying to prevent colon cancer and maintaining a healthy colon. You can get vitamin D from a variety of sources including the sun. Around 15 to 20 minutes of exposure to the sun (preferably 8 am sun) is sufficient. Other sources of vitamin D include fatty fish (such as salmon), milk, and cereal. Vitamin D may also help in preventing osteoporosis.

    Exercising to maintain a healthy bowel
    Exercise can play an important part when trying to maintain a healthy bowel and keeping colon issues at bay. Exercising increases the blood flow and circulation throughout the body. More circulation gets more oxygen to the body. This may help ward off colon cancer and other colon issues. If time is of essence and you have a very busy schedule, stretching and yoga for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day is sufficient to keep the colon healthy.

    Don’t let the fecal matter accumulate in the intestine
    If you feel a bowel movement coming, head for the bathroom. Holding it back can develop toxins in the intestine, which can eventually lead to developing colon issues like diverticulosis and IBS.

    Keep your body hydrated
    One of the reason a person might develop colon issues is insufficient water intake throughout the day. This increases the risk of bloating and constipation. Thus, drinking water before every meal helps in proper digestion of food and avoids developing toxins.

  • Diet Plans
    Foods that are good and bad for your teeth

    There are several toothache remedies that can help you get temporary relief till you visit the dentist. However, there are remedies help you live through the tooth problem with minimum pain.

    Though many toothache remedies are great to curb pain, they shouldn’t be completely relied up on. One should visit the dentist as toothache is not something anyone should avoid even if the pain is gone after those remedies. There is always a chance of serious dental problems that only a dentist can cure permanently even.

    For common issues like sensitivity or toothache, there are many remedies that can be used to curb these problems temporarily. Clove oil contains eugenol that has anesthetic properties that numbs anything that comes in contact with it. Dripping few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and applying it to the tooth that is causing you pain can give you temporary relief. However, if there is an infection in your mouth, avoid clove oil as it can make the situation worse for you.

    Peppermint tea bags can be applied on the affected tooth after being cooled in the refrigerator or freezer. Salt water treatment can also be done to curb the pain. Swish your mouth with salt water or a saline solution for at least 30 seconds and repeat three to four times.

    These remedies can give you temporary relief and are also important to know in case you are unable to visit the dentist for the time being. But there must be long term solutions for the sake of your teeth. Here is what you should and shouldn’t avoid if you want your teeth to stay healthy for as long as possible.

    Things you should avoid include sour candies, bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks, ice, citrus, potato chips, dried fruits, smoking, wine, coffee, fruit juices, popcorn, peanut butter and jelly, vinegar, tomatoes, breath mints, and cough drops. While you must avoid all the junk from the list, there are some items that are required for you to intake for other benefits, in such cases, you must rinse or brush your teeth lightly to avoid residues of these items and plaque.

    Things you shouldn’t avoid include apples, berries, grapes, raising, nuts, beans, yogurt, kombucha, miso and other such fermented foods, meat, soy, flaxseeds, cocoa, eggplant, plums, cheese, milk, water, leafy greens, fish, black and green tea, carrots, ginger, clove, and kiwis.

    Always remember to rinse thoroughly after you eat anything, whether it’s good or bad for your teeth as residue of anything can cause plaque and further problems.

  • Diet Plans
    Food low and high on FODMAPs

    If you are considering going for a low FODMAPs diet, it is probably because you face abdominal pain and digestive problems. This is possibly due to certain carbohydrates present in the food and drinks you consume.

    Going for a low FODMAPs diet can help you overcome these issues. But getting on a proper diet is important, so even though you refer the internet for information, which is important too, you must take the diet plan either from a dietitian or your doctor. Internet will help you understand what you’re are doing but a professional help is important if you are someone who needs to switch to a low FODMAPs diet because of digestive problems.

    Know that the low FODMAPs diet you are going to follow should only be followed for a brief period (6“8 weeks) or as prescribed by your dietitian or doctor.

    You will probably find foods that are supposed to be healthy for humans but cause you irritable bowel movement or other digestive problems, in that case, once the problem food is identified by your dietitian or doctor, that food/drink will be lessened or eliminated from your diet (as required).

    You might also come across many new discoveries. The foods you thought weren’t healthy for you could now be a better choice as opposed to the food you thought was healthy. You also need to know that of five carbohydrates that comprise FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols), not everyone is affected by all five of them. There are chances your body reacts to only a combination of these carbohydrates.

    Foods that are high in FODMAPs are wheat, rye, barley, garlic, leek, onions, lentils, chickpeas, legumes, cashews, pistachios, baked beans, borlotti beans, soybeans, kidney beans, animal milks, custard, ice cream, condensed milk, evaporated milk, yogurt, dairy desserts, apples, pears, mangoes, watermelon, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, nectarines, peaches, plums, cauliflowers, mushrooms, sugar snaps, and chewing gum.

    Foods that are low in FODMAPs are the ones that are lactose free, rice, hemp or almond milk, sorbet, small portions of frozen fruits, small portions of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew, kiwi, ripe bananas, orange, grapefruit, spinach, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, summer squash, carrots, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, white potatoes, small portions of green beans, sweet potato, cornmeal, quinoa, firm tofu, tempeh, small or little portions of lentils, etc.

    You can also look up recipes online or ask your dietitian for them to ensure tasty and healthy low FODMAPs diet for yourself.

  • Diet Plans
    Who needs a low FODMAP diet and why?

    FODMAPs are small carbohydrates that are found in many food items we eat daily. These carbohydrates do not come under healthy carbohydrates and are poorly absorbed by the small intestine. Due to this poor absorption, many people face various digestive problems.

    Not everyone needs a low FODMAP diet as not everyone’s body reacts the same way to these carbohydrates. Some people consume FODMAP food without any digestive problems later while some face issues like indigestion, constipation, or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

    FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polylos. There are many foods in which FODMAPs are present in higher quantity and when consumed, contribute to the symptoms of IBS.

    FODMAPs do not necessarily cause IBS, but they may trigger the symptoms of the syndrome. When you intake FODMAPs in the form of drinks or food, and when they pass through the large intestine and get poorly absorbed by the small intestine, two things happen: the FODMAPs are fermented in the bowel leading to gas problem and brings water into the bowel troubling the normal bowel movements.

    When you are intolerant to these carbohydrates, you may turn to a low FODMAP diet. Many digestive problems can be curbed by a low FODMAP diet. Though a low FODMAP diet has helped people with their IBS symptoms, some call the diet too restrictive. Since this diet improves the quality of life for many people who follow it, people tend to stick to it.

    A low FODMAP diet not only solves IBS symptoms but also other digestion and gut related issues in the body. However, a low FODMAP diet does not cut out all FODMAPs from your diet but only reduces the intake through the diet. This is also not a lifestyle. The diet should be followed for 6“8 weeks and not more than that.

    Once you decide to go for a low FODMAP diet, don’t do it without consulting a doctor and getting a proper diet planned for you by your dietitian/doctor. Getting professional or medical help to start a new diet is important and shouldn’t be ignored.

  • Diet Plans
    How to control high blood pressure through proper diet?

    Hypertension or High blood pressure is a long term medical condition. It is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries gets elevated persistently. High blood pressure does not have any symptoms in general. If not controlled or treated, its long-term effect causes coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss, and even kidney disease.

    Hence, before high blood pressure takes the best of your health, include the following food and food products in your diet which can help avoid any repercussions.

    The primary habit that leads to a high blood pressure in people is their salt intake. Too much salt can cause the body to retain fluid in the body which increases blood pressure.

    People suffering from high blood pressure should eat meals that are low in saturated fats, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium (salt), and added sugars.

    Eat food and food products that are rich in potassium. Potassium helps in balancing the amount of sodium in your cells. Winter squash, sweet potato, white beans (canned or drained), and fat-free yogurt are good sources of potassium.

    Flax seed in a variety of food products can help reduce the systolic and diastolic blood pressure (when heart contracts and relaxes). Flax seed compounds such as alpha linolenic acid, lignans, peptides, and fiber help in controlling the blood pressure.

    Dark chocolate or cocoa products are rich in flavanols that help in controlling high blood pressure. Another component associated with cocoa products is nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps in widening blood vessels thereby easing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

    Cooking meals in olive oil is a healthy habit for people suffering from high blood pressure. Olive oil is linked with polyphenols that help in controlling the blood pressure.

    Although, it is not clear how, but pistachios (unsalted) help in reducing high blood pressure. A theory suggests that pistachios have nutrients that reduce the constriction of peripheral blood vessels.

    Eating fatty fish such as Salmon at least three times a week can be linked with a reduction in diastolic blood pressure in matter of a couple of months. The omega-3 fatty acids (which is naturally found in such fishes) help in lowering the blood pressure.

    Some doctors suggest a complete DASH diet (it stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension). It generally focuses on heart-healthy foods with suggested servings per day. Before starting to follow any diet, consult your doctor as to what food products should you include in your diet to control your blood pressure.