• Food and Drink
    4 heart-healthy foods

    The heart is the most important part of the body. And, not all know, but a lot of the times, people neglect taking their heart health seriously. Which results in strokes and even a heart attack. If your heart is not functioning the way it is supposed to, then you can be prone to many kinds of cardiovascular conditions and even sudden fatalities. The best way to avoid such mishaps is by taking care of yourself. And this starts with eating healthy. Read on to know more.

    Heart and diet
    Many wonder how can food and diet relate to the heart. There is a clear connection between the food you eat and the heart. When we load our bodies with junk food and unhealthy fare like excessively oily food, packaged food with too much salt and other ‘store bought’ food items, we also expose our bodies to the threat of choked arteries. Much of the grease and salt is not thrown out like the other dietary elements that enter the body. As we grow older, this accumulated levels of toxins can lead to elevated cholesterol levels, which leave us with heart disease, or at least the risk of it.

    Start now
    It is a good idea to take care of the heart. This means, making lifestyle changes, like changing your food habits, setting up an exercise routine, quitting addictions like smoking and drinking, balancing stress at home and work–among a variety of other things. But, we have made it easy for you. Here are heart recipes you can start with, because it’s the small steps towards a healthy heart, that matters.

    The omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in fish like trout, mackerel and many others, help keep the arteries clean. This is also an essential fat that keeps the metabolism in good order so that the toxins are routinely removed and processed in a fast way. The nutrients present in the fish makes it a good cholesterol, which keeps the heart in good health. And, fishes are also much easier to digest as compared to red meat. All of this makes fish one of the best heart-healthy foods.

    There are a number of dietary fibers that are present in all kinds of fruit. This makes it an absolutely imperative ingredient that we must all have on our diet chart. These dietary fibers are important because they clear out the toxins in the body and even take away the bad cholesterol when they do so. So, one should have at least two snacks or helpings of fruit in a span of 24 hours.

    Much like fruit, the vegetables around us are also rich in dietary fibers. Most vegetables also have plenty of iron and other nutrients which give us the right dose of good cholesterol that makes them the best heart healthy food.

    Dark beans like black beans and kidney beans are excellent for heart as they have a high level of fibers. Also, these legumes can give you much energy without adding to the fatty element that one usually gets with meat. You can make curries, wraps, baked dishes and salads with beans to regularly consume this wholesome food. Beans are hence one of the top heart-healthy foods for the heart and overall good health.

  • Food and Drink
    How to create a healthy diet plan

    Being healthy is a state of mind that is triggered by our various lifestyle choices. This includes choices like diet and exercise. When we indulge in the right kind of diet, we can keep our mind and body in a healthy state. Exercise and other lifestyle choices go hand in hand with healthy food intake. It is important to have a healthy diet plan at all times so that you don’t fall sick from time to time and have enough stamina to perform your daily duties.

    The kind of food that we eat and the healthy diet plans that we follow will also decide on the state of our immunity and the way the body reacts to various kinds of things like aging, slow metabolism, and various other such factors. A healthy diet plan is one that needs to bring on a dose of all the necessary food groups in all the right quantities so that your body weight and other aspects are kept in check. You can try out a number of healthy diet recipes so that you can adhere to a good diet plan. Our tips will help you create a healthy diet plan for yourself.

    Mind the calories
    Overeating can disturb your diet and if you don’t take control on time, you can spoil your health adversely. Once you know that you’re supposed to take a given calories, you will make your choices accordingly. This will influence your food choices because you will need to have exactly those many calories in the day. The number of calories that you have will have to depend on your age as well as your BMI and a weight loss goal if you have one. You will have to decide how many weeks or months you want to lose that amount of weight for you know your target calorie intake.

    Make food categories
    When you have decided on the number of calories that you want to take in on a daily basis, you will need to spread this over a menu for an entire day, and over the various food groups that you will ingest over the course of the day. This should be done by taking all the food groups and types like vegetables, fruit, dairy, and protein into consideration.

    Create fun recipes
    You can get many healthy diet recipes from various sources so that you have many smoothies, soups, and salads so that your healthy diet plan can have plenty of healthy food items and dishes. Include spices and condiments like honey, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and other such ingredients that can add taste to your food and menu. All in all, think of all possible healthy, seasonal and rare ingredients that the local food markets offer.

    Plan your snacks ahead
    You will also need to have at least five or six meals and smaller snacks so that you are not starving at any time. Think dried fruits, protein bars, smoothies, egg dishes, etc. that will keep your hunger pangs at bay. Also, this will make sure that you are not overeating, as you will be eating on time. When you eat in small quantities, your digestive system will also be in check.

  • Food and Drink
    Best diet plan to keep you healthy

    Many of us confuse between losing weight with a healthy diet and starving to be thin. Being healthy is all about being at your optimum weight which fits well in your frame. If you have a healthy Body Mass Index or BMI, it’s great. But if your BMI is unhealthy, you need to watch out. This does not mean that you are growing fat. What it does mean, though, is that you need to beware of the signs of putting on weight which may not be good for you, especially in terms of unnecessary fat that can turn into high cholesterol and other issues like diabetes and chronic cardiovascular problems that are related to the heart. Luckily, there are many ways to solve this problem. A healthy diet plan and a good exercise regimen are two things that you cannot substitute with anything else. When we talk about healthy diet plans, we are not talking about starving yourself. These healthy diet plans include all the necessary food groups in the right doses so that you can reach your optimum weight without having to worry about becoming overweight and less than absolutely fit for your age. Here are a few tips to create a healthy diet plan.

    You should start taking in more smoothies and juices to substitute your snacks and possibly even breakfast. These are healthy diet recipes, which you can indulge in, at any time of the day. You can layer your smoothie with yogurt, fruit, and nuts. The yogurt will give you plenty of probiotics while the fruit will give you all the essential nutrients and fiber to flush out the toxins routinely. At the same time, the nuts will give you a high dose of proteins for a healthy diet plan.

    You will need to have plenty of vegetables that will be a part of your healthy diet plan. You can get healthy diet recipes that will help you lose and maintain weight as well. Try many kinds of salads and stir fry dishes with salad dressings and condiments like cinnamon and cayenne pepper which are known to give a boost to the metabolism. These vegetables have many nutrients like iron, protein, calcium, and minerals that take care of your overall health while maintaining a healthy weight range as well.

    Dietary fibers are an essential part of every healthy diet plan. One must use these to flush out toxins that can otherwise build up in the system and cause many issues like diabetes, and another such disease. You will need to snack on fruit and nuts so that you have plenty of these healthy fibers.

    It would be a good idea to indulge in healthy diet recipes like vegetable and chicken soups. Soups are low in calories but they offer excellent nourishing properties to the body. Plus, when you add a healthy broth and cream, it becomes a wholesome meal in itself. In winters, especially, there’s nothing better than sipping piping hot soup, that will keep you warm and healthy.

  • Food and Drink
    10 Healthiest weight loss recipes

    Eating healthy doesn’t have to be associated with losing weight. It can also mean maintaining a fit body. Once you have lost weight, the trick is to maintain your new and fit state with the right kind of meals that will support your new, healthy state of being. While starving it out might seem like the ideal weight loss plan, this is nothing but less than ideal to say the very least. In order to get on a healthy diet for weight loss and its maintenance, it is important to indulge in all the right kinds of food that should ideally form your menu for the day, with little scope for empty calories or starve. So, how do you strike this precious balance? Just follow these ten weight loss recipes to kick-start your weight loss journey.

    Barley for Breakfast
    Try a bowl of barley with a cup of milk, some chopped bananas and a handful of sunflower seeds. These ingredients will give you enough energy for the rest of the day. This protein-packed breakfast can also be had as a snack at any time of the day.

    Egg Sandwich
    Make some scrambled eggs with the white, and curry them with spices like cinnamon and cayenne pepper; have this flavorful meal that will help in losing weight and boosting the metabolism. You can try this whole-wheat bread as well.

    Salmon Bowl
    Bring on the fresh fish like salmon for a dish to help you burn those stubborn calories. Get some seasoned salmon with rice or noodles for a wholesome meal.

    A colorful and chilled glass of parfait is a great alternative to calorie-laden desserts. Mix toasted cereal with fresh fruits and Greek yogurt. Have a full meal in a cup, whenever hunger strikes.

    Black Bean Tacos
    Try the soft homemade tacos with a black bean filling, which makes an iron- and protein-rich meal for weight loss.

    Avocado Cups
    Avocados are known as one of the best fat burning ingredients. Make a batch of guacamole and fill them up into lettuce cups for a fresh tasting and tangy snack like none other. You can also have this dip with corn chips for a healthy snack.

    Pineapple Salsa
    This pineapple salsa will give you a fresh Summer punch with its fruity flavor. Goes best with the salmon for a nutritious punch. What better way to have a wholesome weight loss diet?

    Kale and Grapefruit Salad
    Get some fresh kale and toast it to drizzle over grapefruit with honey and lime. This will make for a wonderful weight loss meal that can be had for lunch.

    Dark Chocolate with Oats
    Up for a protein bar? Roasted oats with dark chocolate can be a winning combination that will satiate your sweet tooth like no other! Go for this best weight loss bar recipe to achieve your fitness goal.

    Banana smoothie
    In a jar, mix a banana, a spoon of peanut butter and honey, half cup of almond milk and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Have it in your mason jar, and enjoy this filling drink your weight loss smoothie to the hilt.

  • Food and Drink
    10 popular recipes for weight loss

    Weight gain is the result of inappropriate eating habits like, overeating or eating unhealthy food. If you want to lose pounds, you will have to plan your meals accordingly, that include soups and green smoothies to detox the body and shed those extra pounds. Here are 10 weight loss food recipes, that will help you achieve your desired weight.

    Broccoli Omelet
    You can try plenty of broccoli and other iron-rich green vegetables for a dose of health even as you battle the bulge. But, the more interesting the recipe, the more you’ll feel like eating it. Broccoli with eggs will give you a wholesome meal with literally all the best nutrients packed into one. Just mix the broccoli florets into your egg mixture, and don’t forget to add the seasonings. To make it more appealing, use cheese pieces and herbs as toppings.

    Green Tea Smoothie
    This smoothie brings in a host of anti-oxidants that are contained in the trusty green tea, which is why it is one of the best weight-loss smoothies. Green tea is a world-renowned ingredient to trigger weight loss and maintenance if consumed on a regular basis. You can combine this smoothie with spices like cayenne pepper or cinnamon powder and lemon juice to enhance the flavor.

    Banana Bites
    Here’s the quickest weight loss bar recipe. Combine bananas with dark chocolate (cocoa is filled with anti-oxidants and banana is rich with potassium), and chill it in a container for a few minutes. And have it whenever you have a hunger pang so that you’re not dying or fainting in the dream of losing weight.

    Grapefruit Treat
    Grapefruit is rich in enzymes and fiber that can trigger a good amount of weight loss. You can combine this with honey and bananas for a power packed meal or snack. Honey has natural antioxidants that trigger good weight loss too.

    Grilled Chicken with Squash
    The lightweight squash is packed with nutrients that can actually speed up your metabolism when combined with the protein-rich grilled chicken. Marinate the chicken pieces and roast them with chunks of squash. Season them both. This is one of the best weight loss foods to have.

    Pumpkin Soup
    Boil its pieces with shallots and stock water. Puree and season the pumpkin soup. Serve hot. Pumpkin is rich in iron and various vitamins, which makes this the best soup recipe for weight-loss.

    Lentils and Humus
    Chickpeas are known as one of the best metabolism boosting ingredients that are available out there. You can try this in the form of hummus combined with lentils and legumes. This will give your day the right power kick even as it contributes effectively to your overall weight loss plan.

    The Buddha Bowl
    Rice has fewer carbohydrates than wraps usually do. This makes it a much better choice for a meal. Try it with plenty of herbs and a few lentils for a colorful and nourishing dish in a bowl.

    Quinoa Salad
    There are many different ways to prepare quinoa. One of them includes making it as a quick salad, drizzled with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    Cereal with Sunflower Seeds
    Make a great snack with sunflower seeds or garnish your cereal and fresh fruits with this ingredient, for a great weight loss meal or snack. You can also combine it with quinoa and rice for a yummy taste.

  • Food and Drink
    The art of healthy eating

    The number that shows up on the weight machine may be the one and only thing that we think about when we are confronted with thought on keeping fit. Yet, this is not the only aspect of keeping fit. Eating healthy, coupled with exercises and breathing sessions are equally important than one’s weight. All this will make sure you have a strong immune system, that’s not prone to any illness or life-threatening diseases. You can take care of your healthy eating plans by including all food groups in your diet and making it a routine to eat right as per this plan. Here are a few things you can keep in mind to create a healthy eating plan.

    Wholesome foods
    Yes, you heard us right. It is imperative to include some amount of carbohydrates in your diet plan, that’s how you are going to get your energy from. Any good nutritionist or dietician will tell you that you need to bring in the right amount of carbs through whole-wheat bread, pasta, fruits and vegetables that we consume, which is further converted as fuel for our muscles and bodies so that we may function well.

    Legumes and lentils
    These common kitchen ingredients might sound boring as a menu item, as they are full of essential proteins and vitamins. You can substitute many of your red meat meals in favor of lentils and legumes, for at least two meals of the day. The best part about beans and lentils is the fact that they can be used in curries, pureed into dips, tossed into a salad after being boiled the possibilities are endless. This makes it a perfect meal as well as snack that can easily be a part of your healthy eating plan. You can make a sweet and salty snack with lentils or even a savory curry that will go well with rice and wraps.

    Veggies & fruits
    You do not necessarily have to ingest only meat to get your dose of protein. While lean protein is a must in every healthy eating plan, you can also have eggs and dairy as well as many kinds of vegetables so that you get all the protein that your body needs. Vegetables, especially, can be used for protein because you can have plenty of salads and other stir fry preparations without getting too full, which is something that you may experience with meat even after having a small portion of the same. These are nature’s best super foods packed with the vital nutrients as well as minerals like iron and more. Experts recommend at least five servings of veggies and fruits in a day to keep the body fit and gut healthy.

    Dairy items like milk, cheese and yogurt is extremely important for the healthy eating plan. These animal-sourced food items are full of calcium and protein, which fortifies the good health of your bones and keeps you away from the risk of developing arthritis and other such diseases.

  • Food and Drink
    Healthy eating plans: Tips and tricks

    Losing weight isn’t just about running on the treadmill till you faint. A healthy lifestyle is only lead by making the right choices, exploring the alternative world of remedies and seeking one’s roots. Also, eating boring food isn’t what healthy means. It is the choices and the proportions of your preferred food items that can dictate your overall fitness. These days, people are ready to pay hefty amounts to get the ideal eating plan from experts. Here are a few important things that you can keep in mind before making alternations to your food chart. Take control and be your own expert. Here’s how!

    Frequent and short meals
    One of the best things about healthy eating plans is the fact you can do it in small spurts throughout the day so that your metabolism gets to work that much faster and it is not loaded with particularly heavy meals to process. So, you should typically have about five to six small meals during the entire day so that you can process the food that much faster and your body takes what it needs without letting the fat settle.

    Optimum meal times
    There is such a thing known as optimum meal times for your food intake as well. As soon as you wake up, you will need to have your first meal within an hour as this will give your metabolism the right wake up call. Have you noticed, when you wake up, your metabolism is rather sluggish and slowly, it picks up speed and intensity after a few hours. So, you would do well by giving it an early wake up call so that it is at the optimum performance level soon enough. This will ensure that your meals get broken down and processed in the right way, and at the right time before they get a chance to settle around your problems areas like the belly and the waistline. Also, have your last meal by early evening so that your metabolism does not sleep without processing all the food.

    Hydrate your body
    We cannot say this often enough. For a healthy eating plan, you will need a healthy drinking plan as well. Try to have at least eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day. What water also does is that it removes mental hunger, especially around snack times when you are most likely to crave all the junk around you. When you feel hungry between meals, it would be a good idea to drink a few glasses of water as this can remove the mental hunger. Also, it will remove the toxins out of the body, keep your immunity and metabolism, both, at an all time high.

    Add colors to your plate
    It is imperative to include some dose of all the food groups like carbs, protein, dairy, vegetables and fruit for a healthy eating plan. Now, doing this has become a tad bit boring. So, a fun way to have a wholesome meal is by adding colors to your plate. The more the colors, the more nourishing is your food!