• Mobile Apps
    Three ways to Listen to music on your iPhone without using iTunes

    Apple is still the epitome of cool, and iPhones and their versatility bolster the brand’s popularity. Whether you’ve loved iTunes or hated it, the truth is, it’s got a special place in the iOS family. iTunes and the Apple Store make your iPhone complete. However, even the best apps come with limitations. There are download restrictions plus you have to constantly purchase new tracks every time you decide to listen or try out something new.

    What if you could download the tracks you want, from the artists you want, whenever you want, however you want, for free? That’s right. Call it life hacking or iTune hacking, here are three awesome legit ways of listening to music on your iPhone by saying goodbye to iTunes.

    The Pandora app offers a wide range of tunes for all iPhone users. You can download it for free from the iOS store and use it whenever you want. You can download any songs you want. The lists are continuously updated with different albums and artists as they are released. The Pandora app lets you create playlists, shuffle between tracks, and even set your preferences depending on what you listen to. Whenever you come back to listen to more music, it will recommend you the right tracks for you and your tastes. The only downside is that it can’t be played in the background, so if you navigate away from the app, the music will stop playing.

    Sona FM
    If you’re willing to pay, Sona FM offers tracks at affordable rates. It even lets you bookmark your favorite tracks or albums so that you can purchase later. Sona FM offers high and low bandwidth versions of the app. If you’re running on a slow speed internet connection, you need not be afraid and can keep listening without the fear of consuming additional data or running out of mobile data.

    The Safari Hack
    This is a cool but lesser known hack which was brought to most users’ attention by Macworld. How it works is that you create your very own webpage and upload your music in .m3u format. Whenever you feel like playing a song, you simply launch your Safari browser and run the web page file you created. It doesn’t require a lot of HTML skills and if you don’t know HTML, you can copy paste the code for creating this hack. The Safari browser will use its inbuilt Quicktime plug-in to play the music. It even plays in the background so you can navigate away from the app.
    Now you know three excellent ways to listen to music on your iPhone without using the iTunes store.

  • Mobile Apps
    Four scientific benefits of listening to music

    Albert Einstein once commented that if he were not a physicist, he would have been a musician. Music is an enormous part of everyone’s lives but is often overlooked. You may think playing music is for kids during work or play. But there’s more to music than just partying or the radio.

    Many recent and historical scientific studies reveal that music plays a vital role in emotional intelligence, brain development, and holistic growth of individuals. The type of music you listen to can shape you and energize you. Music can improve performance levels in athletes. It washes away the dust of the soul in the grind of day-to-day life.

    Here are four scientifically proven benefits of listening to music:

    Improves academic performance
    Classic music like Chopin, Mozart, and Beethoven, have been proven to calm the mind and help students focus better. These tunes are best suited for studies and can help you concentrate for longer periods of time. A vital part of concentration is relaxation. Myths revolve around the fact that the brain learns best while cramming but that is not true.
    Memory works best with a calm mind and the encoding of the information you are learning works best when you are relaxed. Classical music can help you with this, plus, it’s enjoyable to listen to the crash of cymbals or tinkle of the piano.

    Eliminates depression
    If you’ve been down a lot lately, listen to some calming and soothing music. If you’re the type who vents stress through rock and roll, that can help too. Music helps ease depression and clinical studies have proven this often. Some hospitals even use music to help lessen dementia, reduce and hinder Alzheimer’s, and boost overall brain growth. Depression can cause memory loss, mental fatigue, and stunted brain growth. All these symptoms which can be naturally assissted with the right kind of music.

    Helps you at mindfully
    Music helps listeners eat less since they eat more mindfully. If you’re the type of person who gorges on heavy meals, and tend to overeat, put on some calming, soothing music and enjoy your meal away in your own world. You’ll notice that you’ll eat less, make better portion control choices and in general, eat healthier which can promote to a better quality of life.

    Reduces pain
    Music helps reduce your pain. If you’ve gone through some intensive surgical procedure and you can’t seem to bear the pain, listen to some good music. Music helps stroke patients recover comprehensively and faster. Often, music can make you calmer and less afraid before and after an operation. A calmer patient helps to ensure that things go smoothly, and also aides in a better, faster recovery.

  • Bankruptcy Lawyer
    Essential thing to look for in a bankruptcy lawyer

    Bankruptcy is declared by an individual or business when the said party is unable to pay back what he owes to his or her creditors. The process of filing for bankruptcy is complex and there are number of stages to its verification. This cannot be done on your own and you will need good representation on your behalf, to determine the success of any bankruptcy claim filed.

    Hiring legal representation is a good idea since they will understand terms and conditions better, being well versed with all the legal jargon and procedures. However there a number of things you should consider before hiring legal representation to file for your claims.

    Is it worth the cost: Normally people file for bankruptcy when they don’t have any money left, let alone have some reserves to pay for legal representation. But the main question being is hiring an attorney for the purpose worth the investment? Legal representation can be expensive, depending on how good the firm or attorney is. But as mentioned earlier, bankruptcy claims are very complicated to file and if not done at the right time, chances are your plea might just be rejected. Thus, hiring a good attorney will cost you some money, but he or she will ensure that the case is in your favor.

    Qualifications and background: Do a thorough research on the attorney’s education and background. This is necessary to ensure that your representation has the necessary qualification and knowledge to back you up while filing for bankruptcy. The process is quite complex and the legal representative must know his way around procedures like the back of his hand. Of course, hiring someone who has graduated from an ivy league university and is now a partner with a major firm will be your first choice. But take into account the associated costs and it won’t hurt to consult with others who might be just as good, even if they didn’t go to an ivy league university.

    Experience matters: Experience in terms of representing your client and previous track record matters. Legal representation should not only be qualified, but also have a good case record, mostly wins if possible. Of course, bankruptcy lawsuits and claims are different compared to your regular court cases and proceedings, but hire someone who knows what he or she is doing.

    Communication is key, your lawyer should be able to explain legal terms in a language which you can understand and keep you up to date with the status and progress with respect to your claim. It would be very beneficial to hire someone through a mutual friend or known person so that there is a good relationship established form the very beginning instead of looking for a complete stranger to represent.

  • Bankruptcy Lawyer
    Things to know before hiring a bankruptcy lawyer

    Bankruptcy occurs when consumers or business don’t have enough money to pay back what they owe and the same has to be then recovered suing other means like liquidating your assets or reorganizing your business. In case of a bankruptcy, you will need a good bankruptcy lawyer to handle your end of business. This can be one of the most complicated, not to mention stressful things to handle both in your personal and professional life. Which is all the more reason to hire someone who knows exactly what he is doing or supposed to do, to make sure you file for the same within the stipulated period and following all rules and regulations.

    The process of filing for bankruptcy requires documentation to be submitted from your part, extensively. The US bankruptcy court needs proof that you are in fact bankrupt and not filing for one just to evade creditors. This has to be supported by documentation and also should be done at the proper time to ensure your claim for bankruptcy is not rejected. This is also an expensive process nearly costing a couple of thousand dollars just to file for one. The legal fees which you will incur for the representation hired will have to be paid separately.

    Hire a specialized attorney: Every legal representation will have specialized in one type of claim or case for that matter. Find an attorney who is well versed with all the legal jargons related to bankruptcy laws. Read client reviews from their official website to understand how good or great the representation is for that matter. Hiring an attorney through mutual friends or known sources is always a good option since you will be able to trust the person better.

    Discuss beforehand what the attorney will charge for the services. some legal representation will charge an advance when the case is taken. Other attorneys charge by the hour and there are also legal representatives who will charge you only when the case has been won. Of course, this will be different for different types of representation, firms and even states for that matter. Discuss in detail about the charge for the services, what does the term service include, any court filing fees, any payment plans available if you are unable to meet payments.

    The type of representation will again depend on the severity of your case. Your legal representation should be qualified and experienced enough to file for bankruptcy on your part and file it successfully!

  • Government and Politics
    How to find the best personal injury lawyer to represent you

    Accidents tend to happen. It might be one person’s fault, or both might be responsible for the mishap. There might be cases where neither are responsible and the accident was caused due to negligence on part of a third party. Whichever the case might be, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are well compensated for any damages or injury on account of the accident.

    But with so many different types of injury lawyers out there, who are willing to represent you, finding the right one can take some time and efforts. Here are a few pointers which can help you narrow down he numbers of phone numbers you might just have to dial.

    Experience matters: Having a degree from a reputed and prestigious institution will add to his or her resume, but ensure that the representation you are about to hire also has the experience to back you up in court against another attorney who might be just as good as he is. Experience makes a lot of difference, in terms of the number of cases he has won or at least arrived at a settlement. More experienced the attorney, better are your chances of getting your claim. The injury lawyer should be well versed with legal jargons and understand the situation to ensure you get that claim check in your name.

    Reputation: Legal representatives must have the ability to assess the damage and liability according to the situation and must possess skills to negotiate terms and conditions in your favor. You want to hire a person who can represent your case and if possible try to settle the dispute keeping it out of courts and trial. This is the case for majority of the settlements which are arrived at, for the compensation which has been agreed mutually.

    Client oriented: There are times when injury lawyers try to resolve cases quickly so that they can arrive at a settlement and move on to the next client. This should not be the case as you are looking for a representation who will back you up in whichever way you need. Find injury lawyers who are not looking for a quick flip and will dedicate their time and efforts to one specific client at a time.

    You can always find more about personal injury lawyers and attorneys in the state of Colorado by looking up the popular law firms, who specialize in injury services and specialized legal representation, depending on your budget and severity of the case for that matter.

  • Government and Politics
    Benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer

    The number of accidents happing in the country are increasing alarmingly, so is the need for good personal injury lawyers and attorney to represent your case in a court of law. Although many parties would prefer to settle out of court, to save time and money, there are some people who will try to settle these disputes on their own.

    It is advisable to hire professional help to resolve such issues for a number of reasons.

    Qualification and expertise: Two of the major elements which can help determine a positive outcome for the dispute. You may not understand all the legal terms and jargons and more importantly, how to work with them to arrive at an informed decision, but your attorney certainly will. Professional injury lawyers will know exact what to do and how to proceed with, after studying and understanding your case perfectly. They are more than qualified and also have the legal expertise to back you up against another attorney who just might be as good as he is.

    Money well spent: With a solid legal representation backing you, any charges and legal fees that you will incur during the proceedings, even before and after will be money well spent since it will increase your chances of winning the dispute and making that rightful claim. You can also get a couple of free consultations, since attorneys are also looking for prospective clients year-round. First few consultations might be on the house before you narrow down your choices.

    References: Going through a known source will be more beneficial as opposed to finding legal representation online. If you know a reliable source, a friend or a relative who hired legal representation previously, you should consider going through that source. This will also help you negotiate terms and conditions better, also will help you to arrive at reasonable legal fees and charges which will be incurred for the services hired.

    No stress or worries: Since your legal representation will be taking point on the case and make sure you get that claim, you don’t have to worry about a single thing and just do as he tells you to. Personal injury lawyers will know exactly know the who, why and what of everything that is relevant for your case and will ensure the best possible course of action.

    You might want to check with the person you are about to hire as to how he will be charging the fees for his professional services. Some attorneys take an advance before they take up the case, some are paid by the hour and others will only charge a fee in case the verdict is in favor of their client.

    You can always find out more about legal representation and personal injury lawyers for the state of Colorado by doing a simple web search or can ask for specialized service providers in your vicinity.

  • Government and Politics
    Things to know before hiring legal help

    Hiring a legal help or a lawyer can be a costly affair, especially for those people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Here are a few things that you should be aware of before getting a legal help.

    Define your problem carefully before hiring a legal help. We need a lawyer when we are charged with or charging criminal offence, lawsuit or even a divorce. A skilled lawyer can help you understand complex rules and business negotiations and partnerships, estate planning, adoption tax strategies and much more. Ask yourself if you can solve the problem on your own. There would be cases in which you would be able to solve the situation without getting the help of an attorney. Determine the immediacy of your situation if you need a lawyer. It is advisable to not delay in seeking legal counsel if you have been injured and plan to pursue your rights.

    There are a plenty of lawyers available for various legal procedures. You need to find the one that suits your jurisdiction. You need to be aware of the fact that lawyers are licensed to practice in a particular state. For example, a specialist in family law won’t be your best option if you need to file a lawsuit against a firm. A lawyer must be compatible with your budget. Several lawyers do not advertise complete fee for their services. Read legal advertisements carefully, if it sounds too good to be true, then there is definitely a catch in those advertisements. Reputed lawyers don’t advertise on yellow pages.

    Be prepared when you call or meet the lawyer you have selected. Make a list of questions that can help you get all the information you need from the lawyer. Don’t agree to anything until you get all your queries answered. Ask references and recent cases the lawyers might have handled in the past to know their credibility.

    If you want to hire a legal help against an accidental case, and a lawyer pursues you to hire him or her for your case by contacting you in person (which is called as ˜ambulance chasing’) then it is against the legal rules of professional conduct.

    Make sure that you know how to fire a lawyer before you hire. Some contracts specify that even if you fire a lawyer, they still get a large percentage of any future award or settlement that you may receive against the case.