• Allergy Relief
    Here is how you can prevent allergy cough symptoms

    For people who suffer from allergies, the symptoms can be extremely agonizing. The main symptom that is commonly seen is constant coughing and this may make you feel like you lungs will pop out. Yes, we totally understand. Intense coughing can also lead to minor bleeding due to the breaking of small blood cells. The reason behind a cough is because it acts as a reflex and is caused by stimulation of the lining of the throat, nose, and lungs.

    Allergy cough symptoms are caused due to various reasons such as dust, inhaling various pollutants to from work, the food you consume and more. In order to prevent allergy cough symptoms, it is essential to know the main reason behind it and you your doctor will be able to guide you with same. However, as the saying goes, Prevention is better than cure’ and so it is better to prevent the onset of allergy coughs altogether. And the following ways will help you keep away from allergy cough symptoms:

    Drink clean water – Most times, people do not bother about the type of water that they consume. When you are outside home, make sure that you strictly only drink water that is purified and safe. Drinking unclean water not only leads to allergy cough symptoms but can mingle with the well being of your abdomen.

    Keep away from smoke and pollutants – The smoke in the air can be an irritant that stimulates your nose. Contaminated smoke like that from chemical industries can do more damage than you can imagine. Also, we all deal with pollutant on a daily basis. These pollutants can be anywhere, from the air to the water. Smoke and pollutants cause congestion in the respiratory tract.

    Keep your surrounding clean – While not thought as a major trigger, a clean surrounding does cause a fair amount of damage. Ensure that your home is dust-free, while your office space is clean too. The use of a vacuum cleaner can help in keeping the area away from dust mites. Also, make sure that your air conditions are regularly serviced as they can emit dust particles too.

    Eat healthy home cooked food – Eating outside can be enjoyable but can be yet another reason behind your allergy cough symptoms. Eating healthy food that is cooked at home is safe and not only aids in keeping away allergies but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

    Pay attention to mattress and curtain hygiene – Avoid and keep away from thick curtains as they attract a lot of dust. It is advisable to switch to thinner material curtains instead. You can also opt for hypoallergenic mattresses that are resistant to dust mites and other kinds of allergens.

  • Allergy Relief
    Effective measures for clearing a stuffy nose

    Stuffy nose can often leave you frustrated, because it can make breathing an extremely difficult task. This leaves you mulling over one question, what can I do to clear a stuffy nose? An answer to that, here are some measures that you can take to effectively clear your stuffy nose.

    Consult a doctor
    At times, self-medication or home treatments are just not a good idea! Why? The former might be harmful to your health, and the latter might take some time to work. If you happen to be looking for an effective and a quick fix then visit your doctor. He/she will accurately diagnose you and prescribe you with appropriate medication which can instantly relieve you.

    Hot shower
    Taking a hot shower can clear out your nasal congestion. Although this can be a short-term remedy, you will still end up feeling refreshed, as it will improve your breathing. You can also inhale steam from a bowl of boiling water, if you don’t want to bathe.

    A humidifier can add some extra moisture in the air, easing the congestion in your nose by reducing the inflammation of the mucus membranes located in the nose. While using the humidifier make sure that it is clean, as any presence of bacteria in it can only aggravate your health condition.

    Warm compress
    You can use a warm compress to cover your sinuses to loosen up the mucus inside. Place the compress over the nose while you are lying down, and it will gradually loosen up your stuffy nose. Just make sure that the warm compress is not soaked in super-hot water as it can burn your face. So, remember to check the water temperature before you use it.

    Extra pillow
    While you sleep at night make sure that you place an extra pillow under the head. This is because if you sleep with your head at a 180 degree angle, then it can make your condition worse. An elevated position will help you enjoy a sound and uninterrupted sleep, as it provides a better posture for congestion free breathing.

    Neti pot
    A possible amalgamation of a teapot and watering can, Neti pot is increasingly gaining popularity as an effective remedy for stuffy nose. The purpose of a Neti pot is to basically rinse your membranes in the nostrils to facilitate easier breathing. Although, make sure that you avoid it if you have had any recent nasal injuries or if you are already suffering from an ear infection.

  • Allergy Relief
    7 natural remedies for acid reflux

    Acid reflux or heartburn is one of the most common problems faced by adults. It happens when the muscles in the stomach relax when they shouldn’t causing the acid in the stomach to shoot back up into the esophagus. This results in a burning sensation behind the breastbone. If it happens on a regular basis, it is best to consult a doctor. Severe acid reflux needs to be treated or it can lead to extreme pain and even chest pain.

    There are drugs that are available to cure heartburn. However, a better solution is to make changes in lifestyle and diet. There are effective natural remedies that are better and a safer means of severe acid reflux treatment.

    Drink Lemon Juice
    Lemon juice has a lot of health benefits. It has large amounts of vitamin C that can help with heartburn and pain. The pH content of lemon is also much high than vinegar. Thus, it is the more effective choice of the two. A minimum of 2 to 3 glasses will be effective in severe acid reflux treatment. There may be concern that the acid found in lemon juice may damage the enamel of the teeth. However, if it is consumed occasionally it will not have any adverse effects on the teeth.

    Chew Gum
    This is an unconventional but resourceful solution for acid reflux. Research has shown chewing gum for 30 minutes after a meal can cause relief to those experiencing heartburn. Chewing a gum stimulates excess secretion of saliva in the mouth. Thus, the acid builds up in the stomach is nullified and washed away.

    Aloe Vera
    Aloe Vera has several medical benefits. One of its effects is the reduction of inflammation. When heartburn causes irritation and burning in the throat, one glass of diluted aloe vera juice will wash away the acid. Consuming aloe vera juice in small amounts is sufficient treatment for severe acid reflux.

    Eat At Regular Times
    It is important to have meals at the right times. If you skip a meal it will cause acidity that will certainly lead to acid reflux. The body generally conforms to a routine. Thus, have your meals at a regular time every day so your system is prepared for the intake and the proper digestion of food. Take smaller bites of food and chew properly.

    Eat Healthy
    There are foods that particularly cause heartburn. These include tomatoes, citrus foods, and spicy foods. Processed foods and sugars also have a similar effect. They increase chances of acid reflux and cause an imbalance in the stomach. Stick to healthy and fresh homemade meals. This should include loads of vegetables and fruits.

    Don’t Lay Down After Meals
    Ensure that you have your dinner at least 34 hours before hitting the bed. Acid reflux most often happens in the night time. When you lie down immediately after eating, the food will go back up due to the effects of gravity. Lying down also makes your press harder against you esophagus increasing the chance of acid reflux. Thus it is best to wait for a while or even walk around to prevent any acid reflux.

    Baking Soda
    Baking soda is the most effective solution to acid reflux. Apart from having several medicinal benefits it also counters heartburn. It is essentially a base and thus counters the effect of the acid. It is nontoxic and reduces the acid levels in the stomach. It is an effective and preferred ingredient for severe acid reflux treatment.

  • Allergy Relief
    Signs of pollen allergies one should know about

    Do you usually have a runny nose and itchy, burning sensation in your eyes? Does this specifically happen around the time of spring? This could be a bodily reaction to pollen grains floating around with the breeze.

    What is pollen allergy?
    Pollen grains are tiny grain-like structures or powdered substances that are released by the male parts of the flowers. They are transported with the help of wind, insects, and animals to make reproduction possible.

    Pollen allergies are common throughout the United States and this more common during spring.

    Knowing the right source of allergy
    There are more than a hundred varieties of pollen floating with the breeze. It is not necessary for one to be allergic to all pollen seeds. Determining which pollen causes an uneasy sort of a feeling is important.

    You could be allergic to pollen from the cedar tree but still be fine around the birch tree. This is something known as specific allergy.

    What causes allergies
    Researchers and health experts are yet to find the exact cause behind any kind of allergies. However, science suggests that the immune system ducts become inflamed seconds after an encounter with any allergy-causing agent in the environment. Allergens exist in the environment in the form of proteins. They are found in plants, animals, insects, and certain foods.

    Signs and symptoms
    Some of the signs of pollen allergies include:

    • Itchy and watery eyes
    • Cough
    • Congestion in the nasal cavity
    • Sinusitis like sensation, causing pain around the facial region
    • Decreased sense of taste and smell
    • Scratchy throat
    • Swelling and bluish color is observed around the eyes
    • Wheezing or coughing

    Over the counter treatments
    For those runny nose days, take decongestants into consideration to make breathing easier with all those pollen grains floating around. Nasal sprays come handy to unblock the clogged nasal cavity.

    Allergy treatment shots
    These are prescribed when the basic medications don’t have any effect on your body. Visit an allergy specialist for the proper dosage of injections to reduce the allergies. Soon, the body begins to get used to the trigger shot and keep the allergens at bay.

    Outdoor preventive measure
    Wearing a mask that covers your nostrils is a good idea to avoid any allergies.

    Home remedies

    • Try to inhale herbs and extracts like spirulina and butterbur
    • Wash the clothes regularly that you wore outside
    • Use air conditioner indoors and in cars, if you’re on the run
    • Use a vacuum cleaner, with a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) in the house for cleaning purposes
    • A few safety precautions are all that you need to keep the allergens away from you.
  • Allergy Relief
    Symptoms and signs of pollen allergies

    Pollen allergy is one of the most common types of allergy. Most people have an adverse reaction to inhaling pollen. The immune system defends the body against harmful invaders, but in people with pollen allergies, the immune system identifies pollen as a danger and produces chemicals to fight against this pollen. This is when an allergic reaction takes place.

    Pollen is very fine particles, found in trees, flowers, grass, and weeds. Some people have an allergic reaction to pollen all through the year, while some have them only during certain times of the year.

    The symptoms and signs of pollen allergy include:

    • Running nose
    • Itchy and watery eyes
    • Nasal congestion or blocked nose
    • Cough
    • Scratchy or itchy throat
    • Swollen eyes
    • Bluish skin below eyes
    • Decreased sense of taste and smell
    • Asthmatic attack
    • Sinusitis

    Diagnosis of pollen allergy
    If you have the above signs of pollen allergy, then your diagnosis will involve the following:

    Allergy skin tests: In this diagnosis, your skin is pricked with an extract of a specific allergen, which is usually a little bit of pollen. The reaction to this is then observed. It is one of the most sensitive testing methods and provides immediate results.

    Allergy blood tests: This involves a blood test. After drawing blood, the sample is checked to see if you have any sign of allergies.

    Treatment For pollen allergies
    The best way to avoid pollen allergies would be to avoid any contact with pollen. However, this cannot be possible at all times because pollen is almost everywhere. However, consider getting yourself air purifiers, humidifiers, and filters.

    Some o the treatments for pollen allergies include:
    Nasal steroids
    Nasal steroids are anti-inflammatory sprays that help in decreasing any kind of inflammation, swelling and excessive production of mucus. Taking this in low doses can help in treating any signs of pollen allergy.

    Histamine is a substance that causes allergic reactions like an itchy nose, watery eyes and excessive sneezing. Antihistamines counter the effects of histamines, thereby preventing your body from having reactions like a running nose or watery eyes.

    Cromolyn Sodium
    Cromolyn sodium comes in a form of a nasal spray, and can help prevent and stop hay fever by blocking the release of histamines and other reactions caused by chemicals in your body.

    Decongestants come in both capsule as well as spray form, and they thin the nasal secretion and reduce any swelling or complications like a sinus disorder.

    Immunotherapy by using allergy shots can provide great relief to allergy prone patients. It directly deals with the immune system, altering its response to the allergen or pollen. However, this treatment has side effects so it is always advisable to consult your doctor before opting for any medication or treatment.

    A pollen allergy affects close to 30% of adults and 40% of children. Even though it is a common type of allergy, it is recommended that you consult your doctor if you experience any signs of pollen allergy.

  • Allergy Relief
    Severe acid reflux – Causes and treatment

    Acid reflux is a condition in which the acid in the stomach travels up to the esophagus causing severe heartburns. The lower esophagus has a small valve that closes as soon as the food is passed through it. Due to some issue, this valve, called the lower esophageal sphincter remains open or partially open. This allows the acid produced inside the stomach to move up to the esophagus and cause a heartburn.

    If this happens more than twice a week for a person, he or she is diagnosed with the Acid Reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease. The person essential has to undergo severe acid reflux treatment.

    What causes acid reflux?
    It is a misconception that acid reflux is caused due to an increase in the amount of acid produced in the stomach. In reality, the problem is caused by smaller amounts of acid in your stomach.

    One main cause for acid reflux disease is a condition called hiatal hernia, a stomach abnormality. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest and abdomen. It is also helpful in keeping the acid below the esophagus. Usually, the upper part of the stomach and LES are below the diaphragm. When they are present above the diaphragm it’s called hiatal hernia.

    Other causes of acid reflux:

    • Eating large meals
    • Obesity
    • Drinking alcohol and other aerated beverages
    • Eating food items like mint, garlic, onion, or fatty foods
    • Pregnancy

    Treatment for acid reflux
    The first thing to do is to bring back the natural gastric balance and functions. Don’t rely on processed food and try to eat food that provides beneficial bacteria. Try to get more probiotics in your system and avoid triggers like caffeine, alcohol and nicotine products.

    Here are a few common methods implemented for severe acid reflux treatment.

    • Don’t consume three large meals a day. Eat smaller meals and more frequently.
    • Don’t sleep immediately after eating.
    • If you are obese, do regular exercise and bring down your body weight.
    • Be sure to include fish in your diet.
    • Cultured dairy also replenishes a number of beneficial bacteria.
    • Implement high-quality sea salt in your diet.
    • Drink juice of the Aloe plant. A half cup of juice before meals is known to be helpful.

    Treatment with medications
    With a controlled diet and some medications, it’s possible to reduce the problem. There are several antacids that can neutralize the stomach acid and give you relief from the severe heartburns. If overused, some of these antacids may cause diarrhea or constipation.

  • Allergy Relief
    Seasonal allergies – An overview

    If you are one of those 36 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergy problems like a runny nose, itchy eyes and congestion, then this article is a must-read for you. Most probably, you are suffering from typical fall allergy symptoms. These signs may slow you down and stop you from leading a normal life.

    While there are no spectacular treatments of allergy, you may consider some of these tips to control your illness.

    Identify your allergy triggers: Many seasonal allergies can be traced to two organisms- ragweed and molds. Ragweed is a stubborn weed and grows in several settings- along the highways, streets, in vacant plots and within the fields. Just one plant of ragweed can produce up to a billion pollen and these seeds can travel as much as 400 miles. Molds on the other hand, grow in heavy vegetation and prosper after rainy season. It is difficult to predict how bad your allergy can turn over a period. However, you can still figure out the severity of your seasonal allergy. For example, molds grow very rapidly during and after rains. So, if you are living in an area that witnesses flooding or heavy rains after summers, then you should brace yourself for mold induced allergy.

    Protect yourself with the following DIY measures: There are some common sense measures that you can adopt to keep the seasonal allergy symptoms at bay.

    Wear a mask while gardening or doing some work for your plants.

    Modify the inner air quality by bring home HEPA filter dehumidifiers. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air filters and these remove the molds, pollen, cigarette smoke and other bad elements from the air. HEPA based filters also remove excess moisture from the air and remove molds. If you have an air conditioner, then you must clean its filters often.

    Before you travel, check the pollen count. Various meteorological reports of the country often give out pollen and mold counts to the US citizens. If you are planning to travel, then arm yourself with these reports to keep your allergy under control.

    Protect your eyes- If you want to stay away from pollen then wear eye-glasses. Many pollen affect eyes as well.

    Wash yourself- When we come back home after a hard day’s work, then we unwittingly bring back a lot of pollen as well. Take a refreshing bath and get off those pollen from your body.

    Plan your exercise- Exercising in the early mornings is beneficial for your seasonal allergy. There is a lesser pollen count at day break than in the noon time.

    Check the dog- If you have a dog, then wash/ clean it regularly because it may be carrying pollen. Dr. Pamela Georgeson, DO, and an allergist in Chesterfield Township, Michigan says that pets are a major source of pollen in the house. If your dog is also sleeping in your bed, then your allergy will most likely exacerbate.