• Dizziness
    Here’s how you can cure dizziness

    Dizziness is the uncomfortable and disorienting feeling of losing balance and light-headedness. Since dizziness can be a symptom of many diseases, getting to the cause of the condition can help find ways to cure dizziness. It is a fact that curing dizziness is possible only when you can identify the underlying cause of it.

    While identifying and treating the central disease behind dizziness is an effective way to find all the relevant answers on how to cure dizziness, often temporary disorientation can be effectively managed with some home remedies. However, it is important that you ensure your dizziness is an occasional episode and not stemming out of a chronic ailment. If dizziness for you is a symptom of hormonal changes, stress, anxiety, dehydration, and vertigo, listed below are excellent ways to cure the condition.

    Include these nutrients in the diet
    People with vertigo must consume fruits rich in vitamin C to reduce frequent dizziness. Foods like oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, grapefruits, and the like must be incorporated into your diet. Another essential nutrient that is commonly used to cure dizziness is Vitamin E. Wheat germ, kiwis, spinach, nuts, etc. are all foods rich in vitamin E that help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and facilitate proper blood circulation. Ensure you include enough vitamin B-6 in your to prevent anemia and cure dizziness. People with anemia who suffer from periodic bouts of dizziness must remember to make iron-rich foods like dark leafy vegetables, red meat, poultry, beans, and the like an essential part of your diet.

    Be self-aware
    People who are prone to dizziness should stay alert about their condition and ensure they carry some food and water wherever they go. People you feel they may lose their balance due to dizziness should take necessary precautions to prevent an injury.

    Give acupuncture a try
    While a combination of medication and lifestyle and dietary changes can help cure dizziness, several alternate therapies may also provide instant relief and long-term comfort. Often, people who suffer from a migraine tend to develop dizziness that is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. An effective way to manage these symptoms is by giving the acupuncture therapy a try. Acupuncture is a practice of identifying pressure points and inserting many tiny needles on the relevant areas of the skin. While acupuncture is known to be an excellent way to cure dizziness, it is important that you seek expert help before getting started on this therapy.

  • Dizziness
    3 natural ways to cure dizziness

    Most of us experience dizziness at some point in our lives. Dizziness is a feeling where you feel lightheaded, unsteady, and somewhat disoriented. In some dizziness can lead to fainting. While many feel dizziness to be an actual disease, the truth is that it is only a symptom of an underlying problem.

    Usually, dizziness can stem from a variety of reasons like head injuries, vision-related issues, anemia, neurological disorders, allergies, low blood pressure, anxiety issues, and the like. While dizziness must be taken seriously, often it is caused due to bodily changes. For instance, many people complain of being dizzy when stressed, after rigorous exercise, because of dehydration, or due to hormonal changes. One of the most common reasons of dizziness also includes motion sickness. Therefore, it is important to identify the primary cause of dizziness. If you are confident that your dizziness is due to minor issues like motion sickness, read on. Here’s how to cure dizziness in three natural ways.

    Practice deep breathing
    In cases when dizziness stems out of issues like stress and anxiety, practicing deep breathing is one of the best ways to cure dizziness. Deep breathing helps provide a good amount of oxygen to the brain that in turn relaxes the nervous system and reduces dizziness significantly.

    Keep yourself hydrated
    Often, dizziness may be caused due to dehydration.While it can come about because of lack of having enough water for the day or not hydrating the body enough during or post-exercise, often diarrhea and vomiting make you lose fluids. In such cases, it is important that you have ample amount of water through the day to cure dizziness. If you do not like drinking plain water, you can consider squeezing in some lemon. Lemon is an excellent way to cure dizziness and feel refreshed and energized.

    Eat something
    Frequent sufferers of dizziness are diabetics who often wonder how to cure dizziness for good. Since low blood sugar often makes people with diabetes feel dizzy, an excellent way to cure dizziness in people who are prone to it can be eating something energizing at regular intervals. It is important that you carry foods that are rich in carbohydrate or sugar, fruits with high water content, or a handful of roasted walnuts, almonds and, cashews wherever you go. Keeping the stomach empty for long hours is one of the most common causes of dizziness and should, therefore, be avoided.

  • Dizziness
    Treatment for causes of dizziness

    Dizziness is a condition that usually does not require any medication unless it is associated with some more potent condition. For example, if you feel dizzy due to low blood sugar cause by diabetes then it can be a cause of concern. Dizziness usually is temporary and does not last for more than a week or two. This happens as the body adapts to the cause of dizziness and nurtures the immune system accordingly.

    Let us look at some ways to treat the causes of dizziness.

    • Water pills. If the cause of dizziness for you is Meniere’s disease, then your doctor will, most likely, prescribe a water pill (diuretic). You can have dizziness often in Meniere’s disease, this medication along with a low-salt diet can reduce the occurrence of this condition.
    • Medications for dizziness. Antihistamines are preferred by patients who are suffering from vertigo. Meclizine (Antivert) is a common antihistamine that can provide relief in case of vertigo. Anticholinergics can also help reduce dizziness to a certain extent. Valium and Xanax can provide relief if you are going to anxiety and that is the cause of dizziness. A migraine can also be a cause for dizziness and can be treated with medication prescribed by your doctor.
    • Head position maneuvers. Paroxysmal positional vertigo can usually be cure faster, than just waiting for the dizziness to subside, with a technique called canalith repositioning or Epley maneuver. This can be done by your doctor, your physician, physical therapist, or an audiologist; the activity requires making maneuvers in the position of the head. You must be careful and inform your care provider if you have any neck or back issues, a detached retina, or blood vessel problems; the treatment usually shows effects after one or two sessions.
    • Balance therapy. If you are prone to motion sickness and is a cause of dizziness, then you can benefit from learning the balance therapy. This balance theory is called vestibular rehabilitation. It is used to fight motion sickness as well as for people that have inner ear conditions as their causes of dizziness.
    • Injections or removal. In some extreme cases, you might have to get an injection on the inner area of your ear. This will disable the balance function and let the unaffected are take over the functions. You might also have to remove your inner ear sense organ with a procedure called, labyrinthectomy. This surgery disables the vestibular labyrinth in your affected ear.
  • Dizziness
    Common causes of dizziness

    Dizziness is a very common feeling among most of us, it occurs for various reasons. The cause of dizziness does not have to be related to a life-threatening disease, it can be as simple as a low blood pressure, anxiety. You could also feel dizzy if you skip your morning breakfast and head to work. Dizziness is the feeling of being woozy, unbalance or lightheaded, to make it simpler, you feel like the world around you is moving or spinning. Vertigo is one of the most common causes of dizziness.

    Let us look at a list of common causes of dizziness.

    • Low blood sugar. This is one of the dangerous causes of dizziness. It can be life threatening and you must get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible. It is also common in people suffering from diabetes.
    • Hypotension. Hypotension is condition that is caused due to low blood pressure. This is a highly common cause of dizziness; hypotension causes your blood pressure to drop subsequently causing you to feel dizzy or tired.
    • Dehydration. Dehydration happens when the fluids in your body go down below a certain level. This is usually due to excessive perspiration and can lead to feeling dizzy.
    • Panic disorder. The panic disorder is common with people who often have panic attacks; it is a condition that builds a fear for panic attacks. A panic attack is when you feel overwhelming terror about something and it takes a toll on your mind, causing you to feel dizzy.
    • Plugging earphones for a long time. If you listen to loud music on earphones for a long time, you might feel dizzy when you try to get up and walk. This happens as your ear drums are exposed to constant loud sound waves; it can also cause a headache.
    • Motion sickness. When you are on a flight or are in motion against gravity, you might feel a slight unrest in your stomach, this is motion sickness. Most likely, you would feel like throwing up, but in some cases, it can also be the cause of dizziness.
    • Common cold. A common cold can cause your nose to get blocked, thereby restricting airflow to your lungs, this usually leads you to using your mouth to continue breathing. Breathing with your mouth can cause hyperventilation, thereby leading to dizziness.
    • Sinus attacks. Sinus attacks are not the best thing to face, they can be different among different people. The usually include, persistent sneezing, nose blockage, headaches, and cheek-bone pain; all of which can lead to dizziness.