• Health
    Common symptoms of stomach cancer you should not ignore

    Stomach cancer is difficult to be diagnosed in its early stages. This happens because what is classified as early symptoms of stomach cancer are assumed to be due to less serious illnesses. Most patients ignore the symptoms, brushing it off as a stomach ulcer or an infection. Stomach cancer is mostly noted among people over the age of 40. However, people above the age of 55 with persistent symptoms that are listed below should visit the doctor immediately.

    According to statistics, stomach cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Although the numbers have decreased in Western countries, it still remains a common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. It is important to get checked if any symptoms of stomach cancer are experienced. If a tumor is found and is malignant, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body.

    Some of the key signals and symptoms of the initial stages of stomach cancer are as follows:

    • Fatigue and weakness
    • Feeling nauseated and sick
    • Heartburn
    • Recurring indigestion
    • Continuous burping
    • Feeling sated with very small quantities of food
    • Stomach feels bloated after a meal because of unreleased gas
    • Swallowing becomes difficult
    • Pain in the stomach above the navel
    • Anemia
    • Loss of weight without any particular diet or exercise regime

    Only 20% of the stomach cancer cases are diagnosed in the initial stages. Most of the symptoms do not appear until the cancer is in advanced stages. If detected early, stomach cancer is curable with surgery and chemotherapy depending on the health and other parameters of the patient

    However, in the advanced stages of stomach cancer, the following symptoms may be experienced:

    • Vomiting with blood
    • Pain in the stomach
    • Black stools indicating the presence of blood

    One of the tests used to diagnose stomach cancer is upper endoscopy through the throat. With the visuals, the doctor is able to see the cells in the lining of the stomach. If the cells look normal, no treatment would be required. However, if the doctor spots any abnormal cells, the tissue cells are removed for biopsies. If the tumor is found to be cancerous or benign, the doctor can devise a specific treatment plan based on the patient’s medical history, health parameters, and the stage of the cancer.

  • Health
    Know about the common symptoms of stomach cancer

    Cancer of the stomach, also known as gastric cancer, occurs when healthy cells in the stomach become abnormal and multiply out of control. It is among the top causes for cancer-related deaths in the country. A tumor may be cancerous or benign. If the tumor in the stomach is cancerous, it is malignant and can spread to other parts of the body.

    Early diagnosis of stomach cancer or gastric cancer is possible with careful observation of recurrent symptoms. Most of the symptoms are non-specific and hence ignored by many, thereby causing a delay in diagnosis. Stomach cancer rarely occurs below the age of 40 and is twice more likely to affect men than women.

    In the initial stages of stomach cancer, the following are some of the most commonly occurring symptoms:

    • Discomfort in the stomach
    • Unexplained fatigue and weakness
    • Frequent indigestion and heartburn
    • Loss of appetite; no inclination to eat or drink despite routine lifestyle
    • Bloated feeling in the stomach; feeling that one has too much gas
    • Loss of interest to eat after a few mouthfuls; despite having a healthy appetite, one is unable to eat and feels full
    • Difficulty to swallow
    • Mild vomiting and nausea
    • Recurrent burping

    The above symptoms of stomach cancer can also indicate a stomach ulcer or viral infection and are often mistaken for conditions that can be cured easily. If one experiences any of the abovementioned symptoms, they should get it checked it with the doctor immediately.

    In the advanced stages of stomach cancer, the following can also occur alongside the abovementioned symptoms:

    • Vomiting, sometimes with blood
    • Black stools indicating the presence of blood
    • Pain in the stomach
    • Loss of weight over a period of time without any diet or exercise

    People who have any or combinations of the above symptoms are advised to visit the doctor without any delay. People who are above the age of 55 with persistent heartburn and/or indigestion should also visit their doctor for a consultation and necessary tests.

    The doctor can order an endoscopy or an endoscopic ultrasound. These are the basic tests that can help diagnose this problem. If abnormal cells are found, a tissue sample is taken during the endoscopy and sent for a biopsy. The treatment is then prescribed on the basis of the stage and the health of the patient suffering from stomach cancer.

  • Health
    Symptoms of tongue cancer you should not ignore

    When cells multiply to a great extent, a growth or tumor is formed; the tumor, when suspected, is then tested, and if it is found to be malignant, it is said to be affected by cancer. Oral cancer is one of the common types of cancer that has affected many citizens across the country. There are different types and stages of tongue cancer. A dentist or doctor can find tongue and oral cavity cancers during physical check-ups. To confirm the findings, tests such as MRI, PET, CT, and other such scans may be prescribed.

    If any of the symptoms of tongue cancer are experienced, one should get it checked without any further delays. Early diagnosis is important as the doctor or specialist will be able to prescribe the right treatment as per the severity of cancer.

    Some of the initial symptoms of tongue cancer are as follows:

    • A persistent sore throat
    • The appearance of red, white, or pinkish patches on the surface of the tongue
    • Difficulty and or pain while chewing or swallowing
    • Pain in the tongue and jaw in older patients with dentures
    • Numbness in the tongue
    • Unable to move the tongue and freely causing speech difficulties
    • Loosening of the teeth or a toothache
    • Chronic bad breath
    • Pain in the ear or jaw

    If one has any one or a combination of the above symptoms of tongue cancer, they should first meet their dentist for a thorough examination of the mouth and neck as they will be able to spot any cancer-related defects. If a growth or tumor is spotted, it will be removed and sent for a biopsy. If found malignant, the patient is referred to a specialist. If tumors are small, it can be removed surgically. However, it will have to be treated with a combination of radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. This depends on the stage of cancer.

    People who have a history of extensive use of tobacco products and consumption of alcohol are in the highest risk category for oral and particularly tongue cancer. Like any form of cancer, tongue cancer is also life-threatening. Depending on the severity, the tongue could be removed and reconstructed using plastic surgery. This could lead to distortion of facial features and a loss in normal speaking abilities.

  • Health
    Common symptoms of tongue cancer you should know

    Cancer is an abnormal division of cells in the tissues. Cancer can affect any part of the human body. Out of the several types of cancer, oral cancer ranks 15th of the most common cancers and disease in the world. In 2018, around 49,750 Americans were diagnosed with oral cancer. Men are twice as likely to be affected by oral cancer as compared to women. Many parts of the mouth like tongue, lip, inner cheek, and throat can be affected by cancer. Tobacco and alcohol are among the top two reasons or risk factors that result in oral cancer. Research shows that around 90% of oral cancer cases are due to tobacco and alcohol, while only 10% is due to genetic aberration.

    Tongue cancer occurs mostly in the thin cells that line our tongue; these cells are known as squamous cells. Any form of tobacco consumption such as chewing, smoking pipes or cigarettes, and cigars and excessive use of alcohol can cause tongue cancer. Another significant risk factor of tongue cancer is contracting the HPV virus during sexual activities.

    Most of the early symptoms of tongue cancer are painless and not very obvious. However, the following symptoms could be experienced. If you notice any of these, it would be highly imperative to get checked as early as possible.

    • A red and white patch forms on the surface of the tongue.
    • It is followed by a lump or ulcer on the tongue that does not disappear easily.
    • A sore throat that does not respond to any treatment is also one of the prominent tongue cancer symptoms.
    • Another symptom of tongue cancer is when the sufferer experiences pain while swallowing food or saliva.
    • Unexplained bleeding in the absence of ulcers or accidental biting of the tongue is also a symptom of tongue cancer.
    • Inflamed lymph nodes in the neck are also a prominent symptom so is numbness in the tongue.

    In older patients with dentures, swelling of the jaw can also indicate a cancerous tongue. As the cancer advances, severe and persistent ear pain can be felt.

    The initial stage of tongue cancer is difficult to diagnose. A dentist or doctor may check for early symptoms as well. A screening through PET, CT, or MRI scans could be prescribed to rule out the early symptoms of cancer and to help detect it. Early detection will facilitate proper and timely treatment. A combination of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and drug therapy is done based on the stage of tongue cancer. Depending on the severity of the cancer, the sufferer may have to undergo speech therapy or plastic surgery.

  • Health
    Top 5 early symptoms of brain tumor you need to know

    One of the largest and complex organs in the human body is the brain. This central unit of the nervous system controls activities such as breathing, movement, and all sensory perceptions. And, like it develops in most other organs in the body, abnormal growths or tumors can occur in the brain too. Brain tumors can be benign or malignant and could originate in the brain as a primary tumor or spread to the brain from other parts of the body as a secondary or metastatic tumor.

    With the presence of a brain tumor, the human body exhibits signs of disturbance with changes in its smooth functioning. However, early symptoms of brain tumor can be easily missed because they are common and may not be prominent enough to seek medical attention. Also, brain tumor early symptoms can be different for every individual, and the symptoms of this illness depend entirely on the tumor’s size, its location in the brain and the rate at which it grows. This is because different parts of the brain regulate different functions in the body and depending on which part of the brain is affected, the symptoms of a brain tumor vary.

    List of commonly noticed early symptoms of brain tumor.

    A headache: Headaches occur frequently and may be severe. The intensity of a headache could be directly proportional to the amount of exertion happening in the normal course of everyday chores. The pattern of headaches could differ, and might not be mitigated by general headache remedies.

    Nausea: Nausea or sickness in the stomach, and vomiting that is caused by unknown factors.

    Changes in sensory faculties: Alterations can be felt in the ability of the senses to see, smell, speak, hear, or swallow. The occurrence of noises in the ear or blurry vision could be one of the early symptoms of brain tumor.

    Seizures: The brief loss of sensation and control in either the face, limbs or the whole body, or convulsions – a sudden, involuntary jerky movement of the muscles that could be just a single motion or a series of multiple spasms. Loss of awareness, either partially or totally, is also possible.

    Memory issues: Feeling confused and the inability to remember things are common, as are behavioral changes, and fatigue.

    It is important to consult your doctor when any of these brain tun symptoms arise and allow them to advise you correctly based on physical exams and diagnostic tests.

  • Health
    All about the early signs and symptoms of brain tumor

    Severe headaches with changing patterns, nausea and/or vomiting with no reasonable cause, disturbances in the senses of vision (double vision or complete loss of vision), hearing (loss of hearing), changes in speech (slurring or incoherence in expression), the inability to swallow, solitary or multiple seizures, or paralysis due to muscle weakness, loss of balance or vertigo, numbness or tingling sensations in the face or limbs, blood clots, inability to concentrate on a chore, fatigue, loss of memory or confusion in perceptions, personality or behavioral changes, hormonal changes, are all just some of the brain tumor early symptoms. But being one of the largest and most complex organs in the body that controls a host of different functions, a ‘tumor in the brain’ is a generalized term.

    The symptoms of brain tumor are based on numerous factors, some of which are as follows:

    • The location of the tumor in the brain: Whether it is in the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe or in the brain stem will decide which functions of an individual’s body the brain tumor will affect.
    • Its size: Whether it is diagnosed at an early stage when it is just developing or whether it has grown considerably without any sign of its presence in an individual is something that determines what medical treatment is given to a tumor in the brain.
    • The rate of growth: Whether a tumor in the brain is benign or is causing unimaginable pressure within the organ, that is, the extent of inflammation it causes, is another factor that determines the early symptoms brain tumors exhibit.

    Having said that, you should know that brain tumors are a rare illness and not many people are affected by it. And, those who have tumors might have harmless ones that do not pose any problem to the normal, smooth functioning of the human body. So, if you experience any of the symptoms related to brain tumors, it is best to first meet up with your doctor and let him question you regarding the symptoms that are sighted, initiate physical examinations, and also run multiple diagnostic tests if required. Excellent symptom management and palliative care are now available, along with options like surgery, medication, and radiation treatments. So make an appointment with your doctor now, they may be the best person to address your concerns regarding the early signs and symptoms of brain tumors.

  • Health
    4 Essentials To Look For In Multivitamin For Women

    There are many different brands that manufacture multivitamins for women. Out of these players, there are a few that stand out with their products and make it to the list of best multivitamins for women. The ingredients and effectiveness of these multivitamins is the factor that puts them a step ahead of the others. Knowing which ingredients enhance the effectiveness of a specific multivitamin brand for women will help you make an informed decision when choosing one. Read along to find out the ingredients that will add more potential to your multivitamins.

    Magnesium and zinc
    Supplements that are high in magnesium and zinc most definitely qualify as some of the best multivitamins for women. Do ensure to check for magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate as well as the level of picolinic acid in the ingredients section of the supplement. Magnesium helps in providing excellent absorption of the minerals while zinc facilitates the thyroid function as it is an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Whole food ingredients
    If a multivitamin supplement for women claims to be made entirely from whole food ingredients, you can then choose it depending on your requirements. Whole food ingredients are a better alternative than synthetic products that are made entirely in a laboratory and are artificial sources of the nutrients and minerals present in the foods. Most multivitamin supplements that have whole food ingredients qualify as some of the best multivitamins for women.

    Vitamin D
    The major function performed by vitamin D is to strengthen the muscles, bones, and the immune system. One of the prominent sources of this vitamin is the sun; however, most of us do not have enough exposure to the morning sunlight. Therefore, vitamin D is a key ingredient in the best multivitamins for women.

    Vitamin B-complex
    The B-complex vitamins are extremely important as they enable the synergy of the vitamins. Similarly, every type of vitamin B-complex enables the synergy of it in the multivitamins that have these as an ingredient. The vitamin B-complex is an integral part of the multivitamin tablets for women; however, if they are less than 10mg in quantity, then they might not be able to deliver the expected results.