• Bathroom Accessories
    Things to consider before buying high efficiency detergent

    There are several factors that entail into buying the best high efficiency detergent for your washing machines. Let us take a look what factors should one consider when buying the best detergents for your washers.

    Quantity of detergent
    You can get a great wash by using just half of what is recommended on the detergent pack. This will help you save some dollars and contribute less into polluting the environment.

    Deciding on the type of the detergent
    Deciding on which type of detergent you are using completely depends on what type of stains you are dealing with. It also depends on the characteristics of the washing machine, and ofcourse, personal preference.

    • Powder detergents

    Powder laundry detergents are best suited for general washing. That is, general soil or stain removal. They generally work efficiently with tough ground stains. If you are a little heavy handed while putting in the detergent in the washing machine, they might leave a white, powdery residue on the clothes. If you wish to use the laundry powder in liquid form, dissolve some detergent powder into warm water and apply it on the hard stains. This will you best of both the worlds.

    • Liquid detergents

    It is usually seen that liquid detergents have less impact on environment when compared with its powder counterpart. There are high efficiency liquid detergents that are eco-friendly and are efficient enough to clean wash lightly soiled and colored clothes. Liquid detergents are the way to go if you are using greywater reuse. Greywater reuse is a gently used water from sink, shower, tubs, and even washing machines. They are also a good option if you are using high efficiency washing machine that uses very little water.

    • Laundry detergent pods

    These are detergent pods, packets, balls or disks of proportionate amount of detergent that has a dissolvable plastic. They are very much similar to dishwashing tablets that you put in the dishwasher. Some high efficiency detergent pods also contain fabric softeners.

    Using a top loader detergent in a front loader washing machine
    irrespective of whether you are using high efficiency detergent, it is not a good practice to use a top loader detergent in a front loader machine. This is because high efficiency front loaded machines use less water and a have a more mechanical action when compared to top loader washing machines.

    Thus, using top loader detergents in a front loader machines might create more suds, which might cause an overflow in your laundry with foam. This might create suction issues further and cause the motor to burn out.

  • Bathroom Accessories
    Essentials that make disability bathrooms comfortable

    People with disabilities find it difficult to keep up with the pace at which the world functions. Basic functions such as bathing, eating meals, walking and more become a difficult task. To make it worst, bathrooms that are not designed to accommodate their needs can add to the discomfort.

    Not only disabled individuals but even aging seniors find it difficult to use a basically designed bathroom. If you one who lives with aging parents, you do know the agony that they have to go through. If you are looking to ease the trouble caused, disability bathrooms can help. It does not take much, and all you have to do is add items to your bathroom in order to make it disability-friendly. Here are different kinds of essentials that make the for the most comfortable bathrooms.

    Grab rails – Grab rails are essential elements that should be placed in disability bathrooms. These should be placed around on the walls and especially on either side of the toilet. This helps in easily getting off from the toilet seat to the wheelchair. Also, it lends support and is a must for safety when moving around the bathroom.
    Bath seats – Having a bath or shower can be one of the most difficult things to do for disabled and aged people. Bathing seats are designed to make this activity easier. These seats are mounted on to the wall and can be folded on back again when not in use. The seat will extend at the touch of a button and allows for easy transfer from the wheelchair to the seat.

    Towel and soap shelf – The towel and soap shelf is important and should be placed lower in the bath area. Unlike usual shelves, these shelves are designed so as to easily access the soap or towel without much struggle.

    Single-handed faucets – It is extremely necessary to install single-handed faucets in disability bathrooms as it is a basic element that makes bathroom-use easy. A disabled person will not be able to turn knobs easily and a single-handled faucet can bring comfort. There are several sensor-faucets that you can consider and although they expensive, they are totally worth it.

    Outward swing-door – Disability bathrooms should preferably have doors that swing outwards over inwards. This will allow for more space inside the bathroom and also avoid any injuries that can be caused due to coalition when opening the door.

    Installing these essentials in the bathroom will instantly convert it into a disability bathroom without being too harsh on the pocket.

  • Bathroom Accessories
    Types of safe home cleaning products

    It is very important that you clean your house properly to preserve the good health of your family. However, it is always better to make use of home cleaning products that do not contain any harsh chemicals and are safe for use. You can buy them easily from your nearest grocery stores. There are non-toxic cleaning products also available, which are made using organic ingredients.

    Use of non-toxic products
    The organic, non-toxic cleaning products are not harmful as they do not contain any harsh chemicals and are environment-friendly. It is difficult to complete the task of household cleaning along with taking care of the environment around your house. This is why there are many bathroom cleaners available that are natural and eco-friendly. There are many companies that offer reliable and fast home cleaning services and make use of effective home cleaning products.

    House cleaning services
    Maintaining the cleanliness of your house is very important. The house cleaning services made available by professionals involve cleaning of bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and even general areas.

    The main cleaning services that are carried out for bedrooms include cleaning of ceiling fan, mirrors and the floors, dusting, vacuuming of mattress, and removing dust accumulated on book shelves.

    The bathrooms are cleaned using disinfectants. Sinks, counters and basins are cleaned with non-toxic cleaning products.

    Stains on the mirrors are also removed during the cleaning process. For this, there are many home improvement products available online and can also be purchased at discounted prices.

    Some of the home cleaning products available online include ultra-mop set, cleaning sets, dust bins, air fresheners, cleaning gloves, cleaning liquid, broom holder and cleaning wipes. Use of these products is beneficial in keeping your house impeccably clean.

    Organic cleaning products
    Some of the safe organic cleaning products that can be made use at home include use of water and white vinegar. These work very well in removal of sweat stains from your clothes. The odor of pets at home can be removed by use of cider vinegar.
    Even the drains in your kitchen can be cleaned by use of baking soda and vinegar. Pour about ½ cup of vinegar and ½ cup of baking soda. After 2 minutes, add two quarts of boiling water. Grease can be removed by using salt, whereas toilets can be cleaned with baking soda.

    Why is it safe to use organic products?
    The main reason why organic cleaning products must be used is that they do not trigger any health ailments such as asthma, heart and respiratory diseases. There are numerous cleaning products available online that are provided with sufficient information of the product. These organic products do not cause any injury and can be efficiently used to solve cleaning dilemmas.

  • Bathroom Accessories
    Choosing the best bathroom cleaner for your bathrooms

    To keep your bathroom shining and hygienic all the time, you need to choose the right cleaners. A single product may not be good for cleaning everything in the bathroom. You need separate cleaners for every item right from a bathtub to sink to the toilet; everything needs special attention. Usually different types of dirt get accumulated in the bathroom. Deposits of hard water, soap scum, hair, dust, and mold are some of them. To clean everything, you will need different tools and cleaners. The following tips will help you choose the best bathroom cleaners for your bathrooms to look as good as new.

    General bathroom cleaners
    Look for a general bathroom cleaner that will clean soap scum from walls, plastic and also glass surfaces. The product should also be able to clean the shower heads and taps. Try to find the cleaner in a spray form. It becomes easy to spray the cleaner on all the surfaces rather than trying to put it from a container. Bathrooms are full of germs and cross-contamination is very easy in here. So the general bathroom cleaner must have a disinfectant that can kill all the germs in the bathroom and also offer protection from mold and mildew.

    Floor cleaners
    The floor needs to be cleaned with a separate cleaner. It should be strong enough to clean the grime, dirt, all types of stains and shoe marks from the floor. Moreover, it should be easy to use both with a traditional mop and the modern model of innovative mop. The cleaners should be good to use on any type of flooring like wood, stone or marble, without causing any changes or defects to the floor. The cleanser must sanitize the floor and should not leave a shiny oily film after cleaning.

    Toilet cleaner
    Buy a separate cleaner that is meant to clean only the toilet. Do not use the bathroom cleaners to clean the toilet. Find automatic cleaners that will clean the toilet all by itself after applying. However, you need to do some scrubbing. You also need to make sure you clean the dirt under the rim. To avoid a terrible odor in the bathroom, find cleaners that are environment-friendly and that does not contain harsh chemicals. Soak the toilet for a while before scrubbing it with a brush to clean the dirt from every part of the toilet.

    As a common consumer, you have many options available in the market to choose from. But not all products give the same result and not all are eco-friendly. So read the labels and make a wise decision when shopping for bathroom cleaners. Look for product reviews from friends and family. Choose products that give best results and that do not leave bad odor in your bathroom.

  • Bathroom Accessories
    Essential bathroom cleaning products

    The right bathroom cleaning products can simplify the dreaded chore of cleaning your bathroom. Your requirement for cleaning supplies can differ from another person. You might need special products to clean the deposits of hard water from all the surfaces while another person might not.
    So, here is an easy checklist for essential bathroom cleaning products for basic cleaning requirements.

    Basic cleaning products
    There are various types and brands of bathroom cleaning products available in the market today. You can start with the basics and if needed, buy special cleaning solutions later.

    You will need mild bathroom cleaners for everyday cleaning tasks. But for tough stains, you might need to stock up on mildly-abrasive cleaning solutions. You can use this every month or so in order to give a thorough sprucing up to your tub, shower area and sink.

    Stock up on an all-purpose cleaner to wipe cabinet doors and counter tops and any other surface in the bathroom.

    A glass cleaner is an essential cleaning product for your bathroom. If mirrors are not wiped down daily or at least 2-3 times a week, water stains can damage the surface and it can also get difficult to clean the grime accumulated over days.

    Buy an antibacterial bathroom cleaning product for the toilet exterior. You can also use it from time to time to disinfect the bathroom sink, tub and the floor.

    Stock up on white vinegar and baking soda to effectively clean all bathroom surfaces in a natural way. Vinegar also works really well to clean hard water deposits from faucets and shower area.

    Basic cleaning tools
    It is futile to use even the best of bathroom cleaning products without the right tools.
    You can’t really clean a bathroom without the right sponges. Use one made with a non-scratching material for countertops and sinks. Buy hard ones for tub and grout.

    You will need a toilet brush that cleans the bowl well. A brush that doesn’t bend properly will not be effective for cleaning the toilet. Opt for one with plastic or nylon bristles that are stiff. The head of the brush must also reach under the rim and the handle must be sturdy enough. You can buy one that comes with a storage stand. This can help store the brush after drying, thereby preventing contamination.

    Microfiber cloths are ideal for dusting the cabinets and other surfaces in the bathroom.

    A mop to clean the bathroom floor is optional as you can get the job done in a better way by using a sponge. But if you are planning to use a mop, don’t use it for other floors in your house. Keep the bathroom mop separate.

    Your used toothbrush can be a very vital tool to clean your bathroom. Due to its small size and narrow design, it can clean hard-to-reach places like under the faucets and drain circles.

  • Bathroom Accessories
    How to give your bathroom a posh look

    A bathroom is the place where you take a break from the world and soak yourself in guilt-free indulgence. It won’t be fair to equate revamping your grand master bathroom to burning a hole in your pocket; a few simple changes could do the trick. And even if you are constrained in terms of space, there are several bathroom design ideas which could turn it into a luxurious retreat.

    The two mantras for any successful bathroom makeover ideas are functionality and convenience. Let us begin with the basics.

    Choose your alette
    The right color for your bathroom would depend on the look you want to create. Neutral palettes like white, beige, cream or grey are definitely elegant. They allow you the freedom to experiment with textures and patterns or add a pop of color by introducing paintings or framed pictures.

    Neutrals may be the safest of bathroom colors, but they are not the only ones. You can choose an all-blue or an outrageous pink or even a multi-color m’lange. However, you will need to be careful while adding decor to create balance and harmony.

    Store in style
    Cabinets are necessary to stow away the zillion things you need in your bathroom. While they are convenient, in the sense that you don’t have to worry about keeping the interiors in order, they do not add to the style quotient of the bathroom.

    Open shelves give you more options for dressing up your space with a colorful towel or all the assorted creams and lotions you have collected. Storage ladder and wicker or reed baskets can add the much-needed zing to your space. Wooden “O”shelves or crates can be mounted on the wall to create a glamorous storage.

    Create a look
    A bathroom makeover is all about planning. Create a theme or a visual image in your mind and stick to it. Avoid adding haphazard décor be a great piece, but it wouldn’t do much good if it looks out of place. Use console or framed mirrors to accentuate the wall.

    Add concealed lights or simple lamps to create an ambiance. Direct or indirect sunlight can give a warm cozy feel to your interior. So if you don’t have a window, consider incorporating one. Think of blinds as dress your windows up. Colorful rugs are the right way to add some brightness. Stylish accessories and decor, which blends in the overall look, could be added judiciously to spruce up the design.

    While style and design are all good, you cannot ignore functionality. If you are the lazy kind or do not have the time to maintain open shelves, you may be better-off sticking to good old cabinets.
    Avoid cluttering the countertops with stuff you do not need. If you need extra storage, consider installing storage racks above the toilet seat or below the sink.

    You may not get it right at first; experiment with bathroom design ideas to find out the one that works for you.