• Children
    Here’s what you will find in the Texas waters during summer and spring

    If you are looking to go fishing, Texas is probably the best place for you to go try out your luck. It becomes the best state for fishing as it has almost all varieties of fish. If you are looking for a saltwater fish or a freshwater fish, you can go to Texas for fishing. The state has all types of fish for everyone’s needs. Some of the hotspots in the state are outstanding in terms of quantity, quality, and in some cases both. The ideal way to go about fishing in any part of the country is to keep an eye out for the peak times. Read along to find out what to find in spring and summer according to the fishing reports of Texas.

    Spring (March, April, May)
    Spring is fairly the best time for you to go fishing for largemouth fish, according to the fishing reports of Texas. Out of the 50 biggest largemouth fish that are available in Texas, 34 can be found in Lake Fork. The record for the biggest largemouth fish is 18.18 pounds, which was also found in Lake Fork in March. If you go to the mid-term of Spring, you would have to move to Lake Buchanan and get your hands on the blue catfish. Lake Buchanan also has a good number of channel cats and flatheads. Lake Texoma if where you would want to be towards the end of the season. The Stripers that have migrated during Feb and March start to show up in the open water areas.

    Summer (June, July, August)
    Red snapper is the primary fish to be found during the initial stages of summer in the Gulf of Mexico. However, it is an issue among the fishery officials due to the quotas and season dates. The fishing reports of Texas also state the fish to be the most wanted fish as well as one of the tastiest fish in Texas. Lake Tawakoni is the home for Channel Catfish that are found in abundance during the mid-term of the summer. West Tawakoni is also deemed as the “Catfish Capital of Texas.” The annual catfish haul takes place during the summer and it is an event you must not miss out on. August would bring in the end of the summer and Laguna Madre is the place to be so that you can get your hands on some fresh Speckled Trout. Fishing reports of Texas have shown that the “Mother Lagoon” is one of the best places for you to go fishing during this period.

  • Fishing
    Things you must know about a fishing report

    If you are looking to go fishing on a Sunday afternoon, there is one thing you must keep an eye on before heading out of home the fishing report. A fishing report is written by people who go fishing, it essentially talks about the type of fish available in a certain area, the weather conditions, tidal waves, and the intensity of the ocean current. A fishing report is ideally used by fishermen to know where they can find a certain type of fish they are looking for. It helps them determine where to cast their lines.

    The water temperature can define the activeness of the fish in that area. If the temperature is high, then the fish would not move around a lot as it will be significantly hot. Similarly, if it is cold, then they will not move at all. To sum it up, unless the temperature of the water is pleasant, the fish will not indulge in a significant amount of movement. It is difficult to lure resting fish as they will not bite or chase the lure.

    Another important component of a fishing report is the water conditions. Whether the water is still or moving, the pace of the movement (if any), if the water is muddy or full of debris are factors to be kept in mind. If the water is moving too quickly or there is a significant amount of mud in the water, then it will be a bad day to go fishing. The fish will not be able to exercise complete control on their movement and will not be able to see the bait if it is too muddy.

    These reports are made according to different regions which help the fishermen decide when and where to go fishing. For example, fishing reports of Texas, Washington state, green bay etc. A fishing report of Texas would broadly include the weather condition, wind speed, when the fish are biting, where they are biting, and the types of bait that are effective.

    Fishing report of Texas

    Texas is home for Saltwater fish like Black Drum, Redfish, Spanish Mackerel, and many others. If you are going out fishing in this season you will come across Snapper (red), Spotted Seatrout, Flounder, Redfish, and Black Drum. The best time to go fishing during spring is late-afternoon and early evenings. The fish bite due to a high metabolism and digestion. The sun overhead helps the fish move around adequately.

  • Science
    How is weather formed?

    Weather is a by-product of an atmosphere. It is categorized by being hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. The weather formation is occurs in the lowest level of atmosphere called as troposphere. Weather is a condition that refers to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity.

    People are often confused between the terms ˜weather’ and ˜climate’. Weather generally refers to temperature and precipitation whereas climate refers to averaging of atmospheric conditions over longer period of time.

    The factors that affect the weather of a place include air pressure, temperature and moisture differences. These differences occur due to sun’s angle that varies with the latitude.

    Causes of weather formation

    The most common weather phenomenon on earth are wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and ice storms are called as extreme weather.

    Primarily weather occurs due to air pressure, temperature and moisture differences between one place to another. To understand weather in simpler manner consider an example that the farther is the sun from an area or lower the angle of the sun, cooler will be the place as the spread of the sunlight over a greater surface. This is the reason why there is a strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical areas. Weather conditions such as monsoons or thunderstorms are caused by a totally different process.

    Earth’s axis plays an important role in weather formation. Due to the angular position of the axis of earth, every set of months have a different weather. For example, northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. As a result sunlight falls more directly on that spot than December. This effect eventually causes seasons that last for a couple of months and change as the axis of the earth changes its angle.

    The amount of solar energy Earth absorbs also depends on the weather. The uneven solar heating is also caused due to weather (in the form of cloudiness and precipitation that is). This is the reason why higher altitudes are cooler than the lower altitudes. An inverse effect can cause a higher altitude to be warmer than the lower belt which is inverse in the usual case.

  • Biology
    Path-breaking discoveries of biology

    Biology wonderfully undertakes the natural aspects of life, and stunningly collaborates itself with a human’s infinite curiosity. Over the centuries biology has given us reasons and resolutions to tackle the threatening biological adversities, and it wonderfully continues to do so.

    It is impossible to judge which is the greatest contribution in the biology domain, but here are some of the most ultimate biological inventions and discoveries of all time.

    The theory of Evolution by natural selection
    Darwin’s theory of Evolution advocates the notion that all forms of life has descended from a single ancestor. It focuses on the theory that all the complex forms of organism have naturally evolved from the basic predecessor. Although Darwin wasn’t the first person to study the process of evolution, he was able to gain widespread support because of his coherent demonstrations. The concept of natural selection in evolution basically explains how there is a competition for limited resources in common species. This struggle for surviving is gradually passed on to their descendants, along with certain practical endurance skills. This process of natural selection is also known as ‘survival of the fittest.’ This theory beautifully projects how and why humans are on the top of the universal food chain.

    DNA, completely turned around the way we look at life. Its discovery was a wake-up call for all the generations. DNA made us understand that the life we are living was never contained, but was rather an unending chain of possibilities. Since, its discovery it has not only affected the medical sciences but has reinvented our approach towards almost all walks of life. Not just in healthcare sector, DNA opened up avenues in agriculture, animal husbandry, forensics and even transformed the social strata of biological relations.

    Polio vaccine
    Invented by virologist Jonas Sulk, the polio vaccine is of the most crucial inventions of all time. Polio was considered to be the most terrifying health threat post World War 2. Salk undertook a research project affiliated and sponsored by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, after polio claimed thousands of lives and left countless disabled. Not only he developed an effective vaccine consisting of a ‘killed’ polio virus, but also devised a meticulous plan to combat the outbreak. His trial arrangement had thousands of physicians, health officers and volunteers. Subsequently after the breakthrough of the injected polio vaccine (IPV), Dr. Albert Sabin came up with an alternative oral polio vaccine (OPV) that used the weakened strain of the virus in 1962.

    Birth control pills
    Gregory Pincus’s birth control pills have revolutionized the biological and social aspects of a human life. After meeting Margaret Sanger, Goodwin was deeply inspired to research on contraception. Along with the co-inventor, Min Chueh Chang, he began developing an oral pill combining estrogen and progestin. Their trials conducted in Puerto Rico were successful, and were later approved legally to be circulated amongst the public. This gradually led to the modern birth control movement advocating planned parenthood, population control and women’s rights.

  • Metal Detector
    Popular pastime activities involving metal detectors

    Metal detecting as a hobby is greatly rewarding. To passionate hobbyists it is exercise, a stress buster and vacation, all packed in a single activity. Metal detection, however, is not just one isolated activity. It has its types. Check out this list of popular metals detecting hobbies that people around the world enjoy!

    Coin shooting
    Coin shooting usually happens after an event like a baseball match. After the game is over numerous people assemble looking for slipped or lost coins to make some legitimate, cold hard cash. Many coin shooters also conduct independent explorations and historical research by going on sites with potential historical and collectible coins.

    Prospecting generally is the first stage of a geological analysis before exploration. Metal detectors are of great significance to gold prospectors looking for valuable metals deep within the soil. Prospecting in terms of metal detection is a term for looking for precious metals like gold, silver or copper in their natural state or forms. Hobbyist prospect in the search of gold or silver nuggets or flakes.

    Lost and found
    Several people use metal detectors for discarded or valuable gadgets like mobile phones, cameras and other man-made objects that are lost or misplaced. In case you lost your article in water, you may be able to retrieve it with the help of waterproof metal detector that help search submerged objects in shallow waters.

    Beach combing
    This activity usually involves hunting for coins, jewelry and other articles on sea shores and beaches. The activity requires an individual to comb or search the beach and inter tidal areas for things of value, interest or utility. Modern beach combers follow tide movements on the beach and find natural objects that the sea casts aside. Some passionate beachcombers study storms, ocean currents, seasonal events and geography to determine the possibility and onset of rare objects and valuable finds.

    General metal detecting
    This is quite like coin shooting with the exception that the seeker is interested in all kinds of historical and cultural artifacts. Most sincere detectors are interested not only in finding artifacts but  in also preserving and studying them. Most common finds that relic hunters are interested in include coins, bullets, axe heads, bullets, knives, jewelry, weapons and the like. Generally, the potential of finding historically valuable finds are higher in parts of Europe and Asia than in the rest of the world.

  • DNA
    DNA, the ultimate wonder of biology

    Deoxyribonucleic acid, popularly referred as DNA, is the essential biological blueprint of every organism. DNA’s discovery was a pathbreaking achievement in the history of biology and mankind. This omnipresent, complex molecule determines the mechanism of every biotic aspect of life. Its unearthing has led to the demystification of numerous riddles.

    Although James Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick are credited with the pathbreaking findings of the DNA, it wouldn’t have been possible without the collaborative work of Rosalind Franklin and Raymond Gosling. The prior study of the nucleic acids by Swiss biologist Johannes Friedrich Miescher in the 19th century also proved to pave a way for the subsequent researches on DNA. This curled helix encompasses chromosomes, that contains the defining genetic information of an organism. This enormously dictates how plants, animals and humans are distinctly crafted. And this definitive characteristic has helped biologists in various scientific projects.

    Here are the four most important areas where DNA has significantly made its mark.

    Medical sciences
    Due to the study of DNA we have been able to conduct early and resolute diagnosis for diseases, which initially had no certain explanation. Its detection has led us to assess how vulnerable an individual is to diseases with the help of medical history in families. DNA has also contributed vastly to the development of drugs for terminal illnesses and conditions.

    Biological relations
    Besides from ensuring a prolonged and a healthy life for sick individuals, it has impacted the social strata of our society with the help of DNA profiling. This genetic fingerprint technique can help determine if a person is biologically related to another person. As a piece of evidence, DNA testing is crucial in societal disputes like inheritance, child custody and support.

    In criminal cases, DNA has been an indispensable buddy for forensic science. There have been plenty of cases where there was absolutely no substantial evidence. With the assistance of DNA profiling, the justice forces have been able to determine useful breakthroughs.

    Food produce
    Genetic engineering in agriculture and cattle breeding has completely revolutionized the way we produce and consume our food. Today scientists can create variants of crops and animal breeds that are superior in quality. For instance, currently there are plants that are resistant against insects and chemical compounds. They are developed to be biologically rich, to yield a profitable production. DNA in the past years is also been chiefly used to advance mass manufacturing of animal products like meat and milk.

  • Biology
    Why biology is an important branch of science

    Biology is one of the most significant branches of study as it works around the essence of life. For instance, if biology as a subject would be non-existent, it would have been impossible to decode the mechanisms of living beings. It has literally enlightened us about the eclectic working of life. Biology has given us the power to discern the difference between what’s healthy and what’s not.

    For example, what’s nutritious and beneficial for our body, a fast food restaurant take out or a homemade fresh meal? We all know the correct answer to this. The choice we make is another story, but the point is that biology has taught us how are body reacts to different elements of nature.

    If we start by scrutinizing the human form, biology tells us so much about our bodies. Not just about how it is designed, but how it is functions and connects, what affects it and what heals it. Biology has helped us derive some defining conclusions that have truly shaped our life for better. For example, modern medicines wouldn’t be conceived, without the thorough research of human bodies, we could have never recognized the how the diseases and our immune systems work. Biology is the reason why a human today has a potential to fight sicknesses and lead a prolonged life.

    Besides developing defense measures, the pathbreaking discovery of genetics was an unreal territory to be scaled. It brought substantial proof to the table that why and how certain disorders and illness are passed down in families. It also proved to be an important tool in forensic sciences.

    Apart from people, biology has decoded the complexity of the flora and fauna as well. Branches like agrobiology and botany has paved the way for so many industries. Today we can sell and buy food products at a mass level. We know what crop to use, how to tend it and how to harvest it. Zoology on the other hand has educated us about animal behavior, their habitats and their evolution over the years.

    When it comes to areas like ecology, biology has taught us how certain organisms are crucial for the survival of habitats. For instance, how sharks are imperative for keeping the oceans clean and healthy. If these prime predators are poached from the marine then the ecosystem will lose its equilibrium, infesting the seas and the oceans with illness.

    One of the reasons why biology impacts us so much is because it deals with something that keeps happening around us, within us, all the time. It is a progressive branch of study that continues to unravel the wonders of planet Earth.