• Family
    Trace your family tree

    Curious about your ancestry? Why not conduct a genealogical research to trace your family tree running into generations? Yes, it can be done. Though it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but it isn’t necessarily an expensive affair. This is possible mainly because of the census data collected by the US government, which would have all the crucial details such as the name, birth date, place and so on, maintained as a repository. The websites that offer to facilitate such genealogical searches rely on such basic information to help you with free ancestry searches.

    Start your search right at home
    The best place to start your search is from the National Archives, where you can find census records, military records, immigration records, naturalization and land records. By digging through such records, you may come across vital information, which could be missing in one document, but present in another. With consistent effort, you may well be able to go as far as the 1700s. Your ancestors are most likely to be early immigrants who settled in the country or the native inhabitants.

    In the case of native population, it predominantly depends on their documentation procedures and varies greatly between each tribe or ethnic group. With the early settlers, there are numerous records available, thanks to the widespread interest in this area and the research that have been carried out resulting in extensive documentation. For instance, The Statue of Liberty- Ellis Island Foundation has a database on scores of passengers who ever entered the country through the port. So your search might start here and as you go, you will find yourself looking for information in several other countries where your ancestors might have lived and traveled to.

    Utilize the endless resources scattered all around you
    Be it any country, birth records, death records and marriage records would serve as a connection. If you hit a roadblock, do not worry. There are many online forums and resources available wherein you can seek free ancestry advice such as social media communities and informational websites.

    Apart from the government resources, you may turn to websites such as the WorldGenWbe Project, Geneology Today, Geneabios, Family Tree, etc. They provide the right tools and resources to proceed with your quest in a more efficient manner. Since there is no hard and fast rule to go about this, try any or all of these sites and you are sure to stumble upon a clue because you gain access to even ration books, criminal record, and business cards. Remember, it’s like solving a puzzle, perseverance is the key!

  • Family
    Benefits of family counselling

    Family counseling or therapy helps with specific problems affecting a family. These problems can stem from drastic changes like divorce, health problems, economic changes etc. Family therapy provides expert help through trained and experienced psychologists or therapists.

    The Benefits of Family Counseling
    Some may regard family therapy as frivolous or unnecessary expenses. After all, problems exist in all families. Right? While the statement in simplistic terms is true, family counseling can help with many issues for the betterment of a family unit’s psychological and mental health.

    These therapies deal with behavioral issues, mental health problems and psychological or emotional trauma. Family counseling doesn’t necessarily needs to be lengthy or expensive.

    Some benefits:

    • If a parent suffers from mental health conditions like anxiety disorders or clinical depression, it can affect the entire family. It can cause rift and distance between family members as they may not understand the full implications and reasons for the patient’s behavior. In such cases, counseling sessions can be immensely helpful in bringing the entire family together and help each other. If the kids are too young, family therapy can help both the parents to work together in protecting the offspring from any emotional or psychological harm.

    • Family counseling can also help parents understand the underlying cause of child’s behavioral problem. Oftentimes, parents can ignore troubling signs in their children as part of growing up. When the problems escalate, it becomes very difficult to rectify the situation. Children with behavioral disorders, learning difficulties, addictions, anxiety disorders and stress can turn to methods that are not wholesome. Through expert health, parents can not only help the kids cope with their problems but also teach them to deal with behavioral or psychological issues that can also arise later in their lives.

    • Family counseling can also help couples with their relationship issues and stop the same from adversely affecting their children’s lives.

    • Changes in economic condition of a family can impact everyone. Children may not be able to cope with this change when it comes to their school or social lives. Financial problems can also affect adults and cause a total meltdown in terms of behavior. This can lead to addictions, angry outbursts and aloofness. With the help of family counseling, parents can halt such negative behavior in time and not allow the negativity to percolate down to their kids.

    • Experts at counseling centers can formulate sessions for the entire family and also work individually with each member. Family therapists take into consideration short and long-term needs of everyone in the family and provide counseling accordingly. For instance, a parent has an accident and has to spend months in bed to recuperate. This can not only have a negative impact on the patient but can affect everyone in the family. The dynamics in the family have to change until the parent is well again. Children also need to take additional responsibilities while being understanding of the problem at hand. In such circumstances, family counseling can be really helpful.