• Health
    Here’s how you can get your allergies detected

    How many times have allergies caused you to sneeze every time you take a ride in the open air? Or rashes on coming in contact with a plant? Or swelling as a result of a peanut allergy? Sneezing, running noses, watery eyes, rashes, swelling all these reactions due to allergies can be quite distressing. Allergies are more common and can be caused by various things. The cause of allergies is still unknown, it could be genetic or just a singular development. However, they can be easily detected by just visiting your doctor and undergoing some tests. Read on to know more about what are allergies and how to detect them.

    What are allergies?

    The immune system is designed to fight any entrant in the body that it recognizes as foreign. However, at times, the immune system becomes over vigilant and starts fighting foreign entrants that are not harmful. Substances that cause the immune system to react this way are called “allergens”, and when you display symptoms of these interactions, you are diagnosed “allergic” to the substance.

    Allergens can include plants, grass, pollen, dust, food, animal dander among others. While symptoms like running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, rashes, itching, and others, are all attributed to allergic reactions.

    How to detect allergies?

    • Consult your doctor

    Allergies present themselves differently in different people and the severity of the reaction also differs. Hence, it is necessary that you consult with your doctor to figure out the root cause of your allergy. This will just take answering a few questions aside from your routine physical exam.

    • Get tested

    Allergies can be hereditary just like facial structure or height. But, that does not necessarily mean that you share the same allergies as your parents. Depending on your symptoms, you can undergo blood and skin tests to detect the type of allergy you have.

    1. Blood test

    Your blood is tested for the presence of IgE. IgE or Immunoglobulin E is the antibody developed by the immune system to fight against an allergen. The presence of IgE in a blood sample confirms the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

    1. Skin test

    In a skin test for allergy detection, an allergist pricks your skin with needles that have different allergens on them. These are allergens you may or may not be allergic to. If your skin reddens and starts itching at the site of the prick, then you are allergic to that substance.

    Once detected, there are a number of medicines and treatments that can help you treat and manage your allergies. Most allergies are not life-threatening; it is, however, advisable to carry your allergy medicines at all times. Moreover, in case you are accidentally exposed to an allergen, wearing an allergy bracelet can be a big help.

  • Health
    6 effective parenting tips for ADHD

    Raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD can be overwhelming for parents. Some parents might have realized that the conventional child-rearing process won’t work for children with ADHD, and they need to adopt different approaches. There are many ways in which you can help your child overcome daily challenges, and channel their energies into areas that bring some amount of calmness and stability within them. That said, here are some tips that can help ease disruptive behaviors and deal with ADHD related challenges in children.

    Praise and encourage good behavior

    Each time your kid behaves well, you must praise their action and encourage them so they get an idea about what behaviors are acceptable. However, you must also ensure that you speak to them whenever they behave inappropriately and let them know clearly that their behavior is unacceptable and considered irritating to other people.

    Develop structure

    Creating a structure with a daily schedule can help reduce distractions. Knowing what they’re expected to do can be extremely calming for children with ADHD. So, you must create a routine for your child and ensure that they follow it every day. You need to get them accustomed to daily activities like homework, meals, playtime, and bedtime. Simple activities like having them lay out the clothes for the following day can provide essential structure.

    Breaks tasks down for simplicity

    Children with ADHD generally have a hard time doing complex tasks. So wherever possible, you must break tasks down into smaller steps so they can easily follow. For instance, if you’ve asked your child to clean their room, then you can help break the tasks into smaller activities like laying the bed sheet, folding their clothes, and putting all toys on the floor back into their respective drawers.

    Promote out-loud thinking

    This is probably the most effective tip to make children aware of what they are thinking, so they can curb their impulsive behavior. Children with ADHD may lack self-control, which can make them speak and perform actions without thinking. If you ask your child to verbalize their thoughts just before they act, it helps you understand their thought process, and gives them a chance to consider whether it is the right action.

    Encourage physical activity

    Physical activities such as exercises in children with ADHD can lower the risk of depression and anxiety, decrease impulsivity, improve concentration, and stimulate their brain. It’s a great idea to take your child on hikes and allow them to play outdoors as it can build healthy habits. Surprisingly, many professional athletes have ADHD, and experts think that athletics can help children with ADHD find a way to focus their attention and energy.

    Stay calm

    There is no way you can effectively manage your impulsive child if you are frustrated. Children tend to mimic the behavior of others, so if you decide to respond calmly no matter what, then they may do the same. If preventing your anger seems difficult at the moment, pause and take a deep breath before you react.

  • Auto
    Top 3 features to consider when buying luxury cars

    While luxury cars are all about style, there is much more to them than just leather upholstery and wood trim. Luxury cars are synonymous with top-notch performance, safety, comfort, and the latest technology. The best luxury cars are replete with high-grade features and manufactured using the best spare parts and materials. Some of the basic features in the best luxury cars include automatic climate-control systems, power amenities, and audio systems with Bluetooth connectivity. Additionally, they usually offer an all-wheel drive, spacious cargo, and extra legroom and headroom.

    However, while shopping for one, ensure that you consider its performance apart from comfort and style. To help you identify the best luxury cars in the market, here are three important performance features you should consider.

    • Fuel economy and engines
      The best luxury cars usually have a large gas tank and require premium gasoline. This can be expensive; therefore, ensure that the car gives you good mileage and is fuel-efficient.

    Go for luxury cars that have the latest technologies such as cylinder deactivation. This shuts off certain engine cylinders under low power demands, giving you better mileage while driving on the highway. Another feature is the automatic engine shutoff, where the engine powers down while idling at a traffic light. The engine restarts as soon as the driver releases the brake pedal, thereby saving more fuel.

    The automatic transmission is another feature that you should look for while buying a luxury car. The best luxury cars usually offer between six- and nine-speed transmissions. Note that the more the number of gears, the better the fuel economy. Many luxury car transmissions allow the option to switch between manual and automatic shifting. They typically have paddles mounted on the steering wheel, making the car more performance-oriented.

    • Drive Wheels
      Mainstream cars such as hatchbacks and sedans use front-wheel drive (FWD), whereas luxury cars typically come with rear- or all-wheel drive. FWD typically provides better traction in slippery conditions than rear-wheel drive. Conversely, rear-wheel drive is better at steering on dry roads. All-wheel drive (AWD) offers significantly better traction irrespective of the weather and type of road. However, AWD does not shorten stopping distances, adding to the car’s cost and weight. So, you can either choose luxury cars that let you switch between FWD and RWD or go for AWD and have a smooth ride irrespective of road conditions.
    • Advanced Safety Features
      The best luxury cars are replete with the newest and most advanced safety features. Automatic emergency braking and forward-collision warning are the two most valued safety systems that are fast becoming a norm even in mainstream cars. Forward-collision warning technology alerts the driver of an impending collision with a car or objects directly in its path. A car equipped with automatic emergency braking (AEB) senses a potential collision and will start braking automatically if you don’t react in time.

    Other modern safety advances that the best luxury cars have are lane-departure warning systems that sound an alert if you change lanes without signaling, telematics systems that alert emergency services if an airbag deploys. They also have lane-keeping assist to center the vehicle in the lane if it starts to drift, and blind-spot warning systems that indicate vehicles in the blind spots of your car.

  • Health
    Useful ways to treat cold and flu

    Imagine working in a high-security building that uses facial recognition technology to keep out intruders. It works well until the intruders figure out how to breach the security system. It does not matter how often the intruders are caught, new intruders will find new ways to infiltrate. The same analogy can be applied to our body’s immune system and the flu virus. The building is our body, the security system, our immune system, and intruders are the virus trying to enter the body.

    Whenever a new influenza vaccine is formulated and distributed, more potent viruses develop ways to evade them, making it difficult to treat cold, flu, cough & virus symptoms. So until there is a definitive cure for the infection, it is imperative to take steps to get relief from symptoms and keep the immune system intact. Following are some ways which can provide relief from symptoms and strengthen immunity:

    • Hydration
      Consuming plenty of fluids helps thin your mucus and breaks congestion. It also prevents headaches and fatigue that is caused by dehydration. Keep a glass or reusable bottle in hand, and refill it with water.
    • Salt water gargles
      A salt water gargle soothes a throbbing throat. It eases swelling and loosens mucus. Try sipping non-caffeinated herbal tea, lemon water, or warm broth for better results.
    • Pain reliever for fever and aches 
      Using OTC pain relievers to manage cold, flu, cough & virus symptoms can be beneficial, but overdosing on the same can be dangerous. So, check the label and consult with the pharmacist or doctor for the dosage.
    • Decongestant for stuffiness
      This medicine shrinks blood vessels in the nose so that the airways open up. Overusing decongestant sprays and drops can also cause more congestion. So don’t use them for more than prescribed.
    • Expectorant to thin mucus 
      It can help loosen up the thick discharge, providing relief.
    • Medications to dry up a runny nose
      These medicines block the chemical in the body that causes sniffling and sneezes. Taking a decongestant and an antihistamine together may be more helpful to get some relief from a runny nose.
    • Use a saline spray or flush
      Over-the-counter salt water sprays make nostrils moist, making it easier to blow the nose. It is also recommended to try nasal irrigation. It is the process of gently pouring a saline solution into one nostril. The fluid flows through the nasal cavity and comes out from the other nostril. Nasal irrigation washes away dried mucus, helping the patient to breathe easily. You can also use sinus rinses, bulb syringe, or neti pot. If the patient is doing it by themselves, ensure to make the salt water solution with distilled or cooled, boiled water.

    Taking an over-the-counter remedy can help provide relief from cold, flu, cough & virus symptoms. However, it is advised to take them as directed to avoid any side effects.

  • Health
    Top 8 cholesterol-lowering foods

    An elevated cholesterol level is a huge risk factor for developing heart disease in the long run. One of the best ways of lowering your cholesterol levels is by following a heart-healthy diet. The key is to include foods in your diet that mainly lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol content in your blood. So, here are some foods that can help lower cholesterol levels and eliminate some risk factors for possible heart disease.

    Whole grains

    Including whole grains like oats, barley, and others in your daily diet is an easy way of lowering cholesterol levels. Whole grains, especially oats and barley, are loaded with vitamins and minerals, plant compounds, and fiber that can help manage cholesterol. So, don’t forget to have a bowl of oatmeal or oat-based cereals for breakfast every day. You can top it with banana slices and strawberries to make it flavorful.

    Fatty fish

    Fish always find their way into the list of almost any kind of healthy food. Digging in on fatty fishes, such as salmon or mackerel, twice or thrice a week can lower LDL, or bad cholesterol. These fish are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which makes your heart stronger by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), “good” cholesterol.


    Beans are packed with soluble fiber, an important nutrient that helps lower cholesterol. They are extremely versatile and available in different varieties such as navy beans, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, and more. Also, consuming beans makes you full for longer as your body takes a while to digest them.


    Rich in monounsaturated fats, nuts are a great for on-the-go snacking. Many studies have claimed that consuming almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts boost your heart health. Eating two ounces of nuts each day can help lower bad cholesterol and also protect your heart in other ways.


    Don’t forget to include some nutrient-rich fruits like avocados in your daily diet. Avocados are exceptionally high in monounsaturated fats and fiber, two heart-healthy nutrients that help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

    Vegetable oils

    The next time you’re shopping for vegetable cooking oil, remember to look for the one that helps decrease your bad cholesterol levels. Using vegetable oils such as sunflower, canola, safflower, and some other cooking oil can be a great way to keep your body and heart in check.


    Consuming soybeans and foods based on soy like tofu or soy milk, was considered a very effective way to lower your cholesterol level in the past. However, recent research has shown that they are only moderately effective. Eating 25 grams of soy in a day can lower bad cholesterol by 5% to 6% in your blood.

    Dark chocolate and cocoa

    Let’s end this list with something that many people might love. Research has revealed that dark chocolate and cocoa can lower bad cholesterol content in your blood. However, you must choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 75–85% or higher, or cocoa alone to enjoy the benefits. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are high in sugar content, which can negatively affect your heart health.

  • Health
    Common blood disorders and their treatment options

    Blood disorders are a type of disease that affects both solid and liquid parts of the blood. Plasma, the liquid portion, contains water, salts, and proteins. The solid portion contains white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Multiple organs and tissues help blood function normally in our bodies. This includes the bone marrow, clotting proteins, lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, and spleen. Any problem with one or more of these tissues or blood cells can cause blood disorders.

    All blood disorders are taken care of by medical experts called hematologists. They are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating blood disorders. Hematologists examine your medical history and your symptoms to determine the most probable diagnosis. The procedure may involve a blood test, urine test, bone marrow biopsy, and others. Keep reading to know more about some common blood disorders and their treatment methods.


    Anemia usually results from iron deficiency, sickle cell disease, or thalassemia, and its treatment depends on the type, cause, and severity of the condition. Possible treatment can include vitamin and nutritional therapy, and medicines to boost the production of red blood cells in the body. In extreme cases, your doctor may take you through a blood transfusion procedure to quickly replenish red blood cells in your blood. Some rare forms of anemia might require transplantation of bone marrow or blood stem cells.


    The hallmark trait of hemophilia is excessive and prolonged bleeding. Hemophilia is usually treated by injecting treatment products, called clotting factor concentrates to help the blood clot properly. The treatment can involve treatment products for which can be used to stop a patient’s bleeding episodes and prevent them from occurring from time to time. Fortunately, nowadays, people with hemophilia can learn how to give their own clotting factor treatment products at home. This means you can get immediate treatment at your home and avoid severe bleeding.


    Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that involves the abnormal build-up of white blood cells in the bone marrow. There are different treatments available for leukemia, and choosing among them depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases where the disease is spreading gradually, it can be treated by regularly monitoring the symptoms along with prescribed medication. Rapidly spreading leukemia is often treated with the help of chemotherapy, followed by radiation and a stem-cell transplant, if required. Other treatments may include targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

    Polycythemia vera

    Polycythemia vera is a type of blood cancer that leads to excess formation of red blood cells. This causes blood to thicken and slow down its flow. Unfortunately, the disease has no cure yet. However, treatments are available to help control the condition and avoid complications by reducing the number of red blood cells. A popular treatment option for the disease is phlebotomy, a procedure that removes some blood from the body by inserting a needle into your veins. Your doctor may also give you some medicines to limit the production of excess red blood cells in your bone marrow.

  • Finance
    How to qualify for a reverse mortgage

    A reverse mortgage provides the elderly access to equity in their homes and supplements their income. With its flexible repayment option, it gives homeowners more control over their money. However, the government has laid out strict rules and guidelines concerning reverse mortgage eligibility criteria. So, if you’re considering a reverse mortgage, read on to know the reverse mortgage eligibility criteria and the types of reverse mortgages.

    Reverse mortgage eligibility criteria

    • The first criterion for a reverse mortgage is that the primary homeowner must be at least 62 years of age. If your spouse is under the age of 62, you might still be eligible if you meet other reverse mortgage eligibility criteria. If you’re not 62 or older than 62, then you won’t qualify for a reverse mortgage even if you satisfy the criteria mentioned below.
    • You must be the primary resident of the home you’re seeking a reverse mortgage for. Note that vacation homes or rental properties do not qualify.
    • You must either entirely own the house or have at least 50% equity in it. If you have any mortgage balance remaining while applying for a reverse mortgage, you must be in a financial position to pay off that balance.
    • You must not be late or overdue on any debt from the federal government. This includes income taxes and federal student loans. If you have to pay off such debts, you may very well use the money from the reverse mortgage loan to settle these debts.
    • You must already have enough money, or be willing to use the money from the reverse mortgage loan to pay property taxes, insurance, and home maintenance and repair costs.
    • You must meet a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-approved reverse mortgage counselor to understand how a reverse mortgage works. During the counseling, the counselor will review your eligibility for a reverse mortgage loan and inform you of the financial ramifications associated with a reverse mortgage.

    Types of reverse mortgages

    Now that you know the reverse mortgage eligibility criteria, you might want to learn about the different types of reverse mortgages.

    • Proprietary reverse mortgages

    A proprietary reverse mortgage is what you need if you’re seeking a larger loan amount. You can easily get them if you have a higher-value home. However, you must note that these are private loans and are not backed by the government.

    • Single-purpose mortgages

    This is the least common type of reverse mortgage, and the borrower can only use the fund for one specific purpose. It’s usually offered by non-profit organizations, and a few local and state government agencies.

    • Home equity conversion mortgages

    This is the most popular type of reverse mortgage since it is funded by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Although these mortgages have higher upfront costs, the borrowers are allowed to use the fund for any purpose.