• Allergy Relief
    5 natural remedies to treat chronic cough effectively

    Chronic cough is rated as the one of the most-annoying and most-brutal ailments of all time. Not only does it bother you and the ones who stay closer to you, but also makes sure that it does some damage every time you have a coughing fit. There’s a common consensus among people that chronic cough ails those who smoke. However, chronic cough affects smokers and non-smokers alike, although smoking makes you more prone to coughing fits.

    After you visit a physician, the pills and syrups would do their trick but again there are some side-effects, for instance, you might find yourself dozing away at work after a teaspoon of cough syrup. So, here’s where natural remedies come in. These are completely natural and you won’t be caught sleeping at work.

    Here’s a list of some great natural remedies for treating chronic cough.

    • Steam- Steam is known to clear the airways to your lungs. The phlegm and mucus that have lodged itself into your system are loosened with steam and can help the normal flow of air. Also, if you add some essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree oils to it, it would fasten your healing process. Take care that you don’t burn yourself in this process.
    • Honey- A spoonful of honey would give you immediate relief from your coughing fit. Honey has a very soothing effect on your mucus membranes that are already quite agitated. A spoonful of honey before going to bed would do the trick for you.
    • Gargle salt water- Gargling salt water is known to provide relief to sore throat through the process of osmosis. A similar reaction takes place when you gargle salt water. The warm water provides relief to the aching throat muscles and the salt helps in reducing the inflammation.
    • Thyme- Thyme has great medicinal properties and has been used for centuries. It helps relax the muscles of trachea and bronchi and also helps the airways to ease up. Bruise a fresh thyme and place it in 8 ounces of boiling water. You can add honey or lemon for taste. Brew this concoction and consume it before going to sleep.
    • Pepper+Honey- Pepper is endowed with great medicinal properties. Pepper helps in cleansing your lungs off the unnecessary mucus and phlegm and would clear your airways. However, consuming pepper alone would be too much for us. So, creating a potion of honey and pepper would please your taste buds and rid you off the annoying cough.

    All of these above mentioned remedies are 100% natural, and it would be safe to say that none of it would have any side-effects.

  • Allergy Relief
    5 major causes of chronic cough

    When your body is attacked by vicious external agents, it can fight back only for a while. What these “agents of destruction” need is a small lapse in your body’s protective shield and then you experience interruptions in your normal bodily functions. One such annoying scenario is when you wake up coughing incessantly. Cough is a very normal occurrence given the kind of lives we lead, and the air we breathe in.

    Cough, if it persists for more than eight weeks, is termed as chronic cough. The word “chronic” attached to any ailment is enough to set our pulse racing. Cough, in itself is very annoying and painful, chronic cough would be nothing less than a nightmare in comparison to the former. If your coughing fits are not cured in spite the physician’s best efforts, you can diagnose yourself with chronic cough.

    Chronic cough doesn’t infect you overnight and it does “come out of thin air” at times. Here are some common causes of chronic cough.

    • Air pollution- The impure air, plagued with emissions from different sources, is what we breathe in. If you are constantly exposed to such polluted air, it can cause irreversible damage to your body. Polluted air is known to cause irritation in the lungs, persistent cough, and phlegm which are the chief conspirators in inflicting you with chronic cough.
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)- COPD is one of the major factors causing chronic cough. COPD is a lung condition where the air sacs and airways become inflamed or are damaged. COPD is a common occurrence among those individuals who are chronic smokers. COPD can also cause the individual to feel breathless and this is the initiation of some serious problems in future.
    • Asthma- Asthma is a grave lung condition where the airways are vulnerable to inflammation and swelling. When you suffer from asthma, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing are common symptoms. However, chronic cough is also known to cause heightened suffering to the asthmatic individual.
    • Allergies- People are allergic to different kinds of things present in the environment. Dust, pollen grains, your pet’s shedding, etc. are some of the common reasons causing chronic cough.
    • Respiratory tract infection- When your incessant cough doesn’t subside in spite of weeks of treatment, then there are chances that you are suffering from a respiratory tract infection. The coughing worsens since the airways to your lungs become inflamed, and it has to apply more pressure to continue the breathing process.

    These are the most common causes of chronic cough. If your cough persists for more than two weeks, visit a physician because you wouldn’t want to suffer from strong bouts of coughing that would drain you completely.

  • Allergy Relief
    A few treatment options for asthma and coughing

    Chronic asthma management involves identifying the triggers, avoiding them and using rapid action medicines for relief. The use of long-term medication depends on the patient’s age, the symptoms, the triggers and what works best for them to keep asthma under control. The long-term medication generally is a drug taken daily. These help in keeping asthma under control on a day to day basis which reduces the risks of periodic flare-ups. Inhaled corticosteroids that are based on fluticasone, mometasone or beclomethasone are anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use has to be for several days to weeks. The advantage of these is lesser side effects in the long-term use. Combination inhalers are combinations of corticosteroids and a long-acting beta agonist. The beta agonist may increase the risk of severe attacks. Always consult your doctor before starting any medication.

    In addition to doctor-prescribed medicines, you can always follow certain home-based natural treatments on the sideline. Cloves have been known to provide relief from chronic coughing. Boil 4-5 cloves in one glass of water. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink this solution twice daily. Ginger is another natural remedy that acts against ailments of the lungs. Soak two tablespoons of dried fenugreek seeds overnight. Take a spoonful of this the water residue and mix in one tablespoon of ginger juice and one tablespoon of honey. Have this solution every morning to get relief from asthma. Or you can make a juice with equal quantities of pomegranate and ginger. Add honey and have the juice daily.

    Caffeine has been known to help alleviating asthma.  It clears the air passage. have a cup of black tea or coffee. Make sure that you do not consume too much as it may lead to acidity in the stomach. You can also add ginger and honey to your black tea for added benefits and some flavor.

    Beyond these, asthma cough treatment also includes quick acting short-term medicines. These are short-acting beta agonists. These inhaled medicines are long and rapid-acting bronchodilators and ease the symptoms in minutes. If one has asthma flare-up, a quick-relief inhaler can be handy and very useful. This should be rare if your daily control drugs are working well. Therefore, it is important to maintain a record of the frequency and the number of puffs of the inhaler one takes in a week. If the use of inhalers is more than what your doctor has recommended, then he should be informed. A flexible treatment plan based on symptom severity will help attain an active lifestyle.

  • Allergy Relief
    Common allergies and ways to prevent them

    An allergy is a reaction by the human immune system to anything that is not supposed to bother it under most circumstances. For example, peanuts can be ingested with no repercussions by most individuals, but can cause death to those having an allergy to peanuts.

    The human body’s immune system is supposed to fight against germs to protect your body. However, when the immune system erroneously considers something to be a threat and reacts on that, it gives rise to what we call an allergic reaction.

    Symptoms of an allergic reaction can be anything ranging from sneezing, itching, skin irritation, blemishes, runny nose, asthma or swelling, and the degree can vary from very minor to severe, even life-threatening. After the cause of an allergic reaction is diagnosed, medicines, allergy shots and avoidance of those particular substances causing the allergy are typically administered.

    Most common allergies and their preventive measures
    Pollen allergy: The symptoms for this type of allergy include sneezing, runny nose, nose congestion, watery eyes and itching. The attack happens mostly during winter. In windy days when pollen counts are high, it is better to stay indoors and avoid the wind by closing the windows.
    Dust mites allergy: It is sometimes wrongly diagnosed as pollen allergy as the symptoms are almost the same. The difference is that it can attack at any time of the year. The best way to avoid this is regular use of dust mite-proof pillow and mattress cover.
    Mold allergy: These are fungi, which take birth in damp places like basements and toilets. It also grows where a heap of grass is kept. The best way to avoid this allergy is to control the amount of moisture in the air. For this, the use of air conditioners and dehumidifiers can help immensely.
    Animal dander allergy: This allergy is caused by a pet’s urine, saliva or dead skin cells. The best way to avoid animal dander allergy is to avoid keeping any pet in the house. The other way is to stop your pet’s access in the room.
    Insect sting allergy “ It is well known that insect bites from fire ants and stings from bees and wasps can cause an immediate allergy.
    Latex allergy: The allergy is the result of the presence of latex, which is a milky fluid found in many plants. This allergy is difficult to avoid as there are many uses of rubber products in our daily life like ATMs with rubber buttons, balloons, grocery store checkout belts, etc.
    Food allergy: It is well known that the immune system of the body keeps you healthy, which is done by protecting your body from an attack of any alien detected by it. The food allergy happens when the immune system over-reacts. You should make a list of foods you are allergic to and make sure you avoid them.
    Drug allergy: Your body may be allergic to a few drugs and get allergic symptoms. Common example is penicillin allergy. Always tell your doctor if you have a drug allergy so that he may not prescribe you a drug with ingredients that may trigger an allergy.

  • Allergy Relief
    How allergies may affect your body

    The role of the body’s immune system is to fight bacteria and other disease-causing germs from causing an infection. However, when some foreign substance comes in contact with the body, the allergic part of the immune system reacts in an exaggerated manner. People who are predisposed to allergies are called allergic or atopic. For a non-allergic person, the immune system will have no reaction, but for an allergic individual, the immune system will send a response when it identifies the foreign bodies. Allergens are the substances that produce allergies. Medications, food, pollen, dust, animal proteins and molds are some of the common allergens. The immune system of the body gives a response through an antibody (Immunoglobulin E) the moment it comes in contact with an allergen.

    Types of Allergies

    The following are the various types of allergies:

    • Dust allergy: Pollution and dust particles fill the air we breathe and can cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.
    • Pet allergy: Allergy from pets like cats and dogs are common in people who own a pet. Their skin, fur and saliva have allergens, which cause an individual to suffer from allergies.
    • Food allergy: Eggs, milk, peanuts, shellfish and soy are some of the allergy-producing food, which can cause mild to severe allergies to a person. In certain instances, the reaction can be extreme and require medical interventions.
    • Eye allergy: Conjunctivitis is a form of inflammation caused by contact with allergens such as pollen.
    • Skin allergy: Eczema is one of the most common types of skin allergies, causing inflammation and itchiness. This is usually prevalent among young children.
    • Allergic rhinitis: Also known as hay fever, this occurs from pollens or molds present in the environment.
    • Latex allergy: It is a type of allergy that can have severe reactions. It is better to avoid exposure or contact with latex.
    • Drug allergy: If an individual develops rashes or hives after having a particular medicine, then it is said to be a drug allergy.
    • Mold allergy: Molds live everywhere, from the garden to inside the house, especially in the bathroom and cause allergy.

    Allergy symptoms

    The immune system releases a chemical known as histamine to counteract with dangerous substances. The secretion of this chemical causes a variety of symptoms like skin rash, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, fever and even diarrhea. Anaphylaxis is the most severe reaction to allergy, which can be fatal.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    There are two types of tests to determine the type of allergy:

    • Puncture/prick: A diluted allergen is applied to the surface of the skin by pricking with a needle.
    • Intradermal: A diluted allergen is injected below the surface of the skin with a thin needle.

    If the prick test is negative, then intradermal are used. A red itchy bump with a flare around it indicates that the body has an allergen. If the wheal and the flare are large, the case is sensitive. The doctor would review the history of the patient, analyse the skin test report and prescribe medication accordingly.

  • Allergy Relief
    Causes, types and treatment of allergies

    Allergies are hypersensitive immune responses to foreign substances like pollen, drug, food, etc. which happen when it enters into a human body or comes in contact with a human body. The elements which cause allergy are called œallergens. Allergies are a very common health issue. The percentage of allergies is increasing daily, not only in the US, but also across the world. This kind of problem is mostly seen in children. A recent study shows that in the US, about 8% of children have food allergies.

    Causes of allergies
    When our immune system reacts with an allergen, it releases an antibody named immunoglobulin E (IgE) to destroy the allergen. For IgE, many chemicals are produced in our body, which causes allergic reactions.

    Some common allergies that affect human beings are:

    Pollen allergy: When pollen enters or comes in contact with a human body, it can trigger an allergic reaction. Breathing problem, skin problem, etc. are the symptoms of pollen allergy.
    Drug allergy: An abnormal reaction caused by any particular medicine
    Food allergy: A serious reaction in the immune system from a particular food substance
    Animal allergy: Caused by any animal cell, urine or by animal saliva
    Seasonal allergy: Every season change can cause watery eyes, sneezing, etc.
    Latex allergy: An unpleasant reaction caused by some protein found in a different kind of rubber latex.

    These commonly occurring allergies can be classified into four namely:
    Respiratory allergies: Seasonal allergy (spring, summer, winter allergy), hay fever, pollen allergy, dust allergy, animal allergy, and fall allergy come under this category. These kinds of allergies can cause respiratory problems, blocked nose, cough, etc.
    Food allergies: Allergies rising out of milk, nuts, eggs, wheat, fish and seafood are categorised as food allergies. Vomiting, itching in the mouth, swelling of the throat, lips and face are a few symptoms of food allergy.
    Skin allergies: Cosmetic allergy, hives, nickel allergy, insect allergy, allergies from a different kind of poison, etc. are termed as skin allergies. Such kind of allergies can cause red skin, rashes, itchy skin, peeling skin, etc.
    Other allergies: Eye allergy, aspirin allergy, etc. are random allergies that might affect a person occasionally.

    Diagnosis and treatment
    Sometimes an allergy is hereditary. An allergic issue like asthma or a food allergy that your parents or grandparents had may most likely occur to you as well. The intensity of the allergies can vary from person to person and so can the symptoms and treatments. Usually, the prescribed treatment will be symptomatic, and the process of diagnosis is vital and quite important in the treatment procedure. There are various allergy tests, and the doctor may prescribe tests depending on your symptoms. There are mainly five kinds of analysis and diagnosis being done. They include skin test, blood test, allergy symptom diary, elimination diet test, and food allergy test.

    Recent research reported that 1 in 5 Americans has an allergic problem. Hives, anaphylaxis and asthma are a few types of allergy, which can even cause death. Hence, allergies, be it occasional or frequent, have to be dealt with sufficient care, and a visit to a physician is must if you have any symptoms.

  • Allergy Relief
    Signs and symptoms of fall allergies

    Fall allergies do not wait for a specific season. Sometimes the aftereffects can last even after the season ends. This is because the pollen strains, that are the primary reason for the allergies, can last well into September and October even though the fall season ends much before. The pollen strains can also sometimes travel hundreds of miles, and they are not peculiar to a particular region.

    One of the biggest causes of fall allergy is the ragweed. It is roughly estimated that 75% of the population can get affected by it. Care should be taken as people who are susceptible to ragweed can also be allergic to other types of fruits such as bananas, lemon, and zucchini. Mold is another cause, and, even though it doesn’t grow in your house, it can effectively live in a wet, humid condition and the chances of contracting them are far great. Dust and dust mites play the third major role in causing these allergies for the summer. Now let us look at some of the fall allergy signs that we may encounter.

    Fall allergy signs:
    Running and watery nose
    Watery eyes
    Itchiness in eyes and nose
    Redness and soreness in eye
    It is always advisable to get yourself checked if you have any specific allergic reaction. Once you know your condition, you can be safe and try avoiding the harmful carcinogens.

    Fall allergy treatment:
    There are many medications to treat fall allergy symptoms and some of them can include:
    Nasal Sprays: These sprays can reduce the inflammation of the nose.
    Drugs: Medications, such as Antihistamines, can curb sneezing, itching, and watery nose.
    Decongestants: They can reduce the stuffiness and can cause your mucus to dry up. A word of caution, decongestants should not be taken for longer periods.
    Immunotherapy: These are nothing but allergy shots taken once again in the form of tablets.

    Managing the fall allergy symptoms:
    While medications can be advisable once the condition sets in, doctors would prefer us to stay away from these harmful contagions and try to protect ourselves as much as possible. Some of them can include:
    Stay indoors during the pollen season and if you are venturing out, especially avoid midday as pollen disburse would be huge.
    Clean your heating vents and exhaust before turning them on. They are the places where the dust and the mites can settle and can be dormant for long periods.
    Ensure that the areas which are moist around your house are dried and proper plumbing mechanisms are put in place. Remember that the mold can quickly form in wet areas. Hence make sure that your surroundings are always kept dry.
    Wear a mask whenever you venture out. This is not only safe against the harmful spores but can also be very effective against the pollution and the air we breathe.
    Use a dehumidifier to keep your air levels between 35% and 50% humidity.