• Health
    Type of rosacea and how the skin condition can be treated

    Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that affects over 16 million people in the country, most of whom are middle-aged women. Although it’s not a life-threatening disease, living with rosacea can cause distress among many. In most cases, it affects the skin on the nose, cheeks, and forehead. This skin problem is often characterized by tiny, red, pus-filled bumps that appear on the skin during flare-ups, which occur in cycles.

    Types and causes

    The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has classified rosacea into four main types:

    • Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR): This type is characterized by redness and flushing of the skin with dilated blood vessels in the center of the face. For some, it can result in the skin becoming sensitive and swollen, while it becomes dry, rough, and scaly for others.
    • Papulopustular rosacea: This is associated with redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts. It can also result in the affected person having oily and sensitive skin, with broken, visible blood vessels.
    • Phymatous rosacea: It’s a rare type that mostly affects men and results in the thickening of the nose skin. It causes a person’s skin to develop a bumpy texture, large pores, and visibly broken blood vessels, and they may also have thick skin on the chin, forehead, cheeks, and ears.
    • Ocular rosacea: All symptoms of this type are centered around the eye area. This includes bloodshot and watery or dry and itchy eyes, diminished vision, cysts on the eyes, broken blood vessels on the eyelids, and a burning or stinging sensation in the eyes.

    The exact causes of rosacea are yet unknown, but experts suggest that it mostly affects people with fair skin. Abnormalities in facial blood vessels and a family history of the condition contribute to developing it, and several factors can make this skin problem worse. These include extreme temperatures, vigorous exercise, and certain emotions like stress, anger, and embarrassment.


    There’s no specific treatment that can cure this skin problem, and treatment can only provide relief from the signs and symptoms of rosacea. A combination of lifestyle changes and medications tends to provide good results, so a doctor is likely to prescribe topical and oral medications.

    • Topical creams are applied to the skin once or twice a day and help reduce redness and inflammation. They are often combined with oral antibiotics with anti-inflammatory properties to provide quick results.
    • Laser treatment is typically recommended for people with visible blood vessels, which is also called spider veins. It uses intense pulse light to diminish the redness caused by blood vessels.

    Another effective treatment method for this skin problem is to manage its symptoms, as they can aggravate if one is not cautious. It is advisable to wash one’s face with gentle cleansers and oil-free, water-based products and stay away from skincare products that contain alcohol, menthol, witch hazel, and exfoliating agents. Keeping a note of the food one eats and the cosmetics they use can help them figure out what makes the condition worse. Other potential triggers that should be avoided include stress, sunlight exposure, extreme weather conditions, certain types of spicy foods, and alcohol and hot beverages.

  • Health
    6 foods and drinks that soothe pregnancy symptoms

    Pregnancy is a challenging time for women, both in physical and emotional terms. The various symptoms of pregnancy seriously affect their daily lives, forcing them to adapt, adjust, and even endure pain and discomfort for a limited or extended period at times. Thankfully, specific foods and beverages are known to provide comfort and nutrition, not just to the expecting mother but also to the child. Here are a few nutritious foods that help soothe various pregnancy symptoms:

    • Eggs
      The consumption of eggs during pregnancy should be fairly regular due to the many benefits they provide. Eggs are packed with calories, fats, proteins, and other necessary nutrients for pregnant women. Choline, found in eggs, promotes brain development in the fetus, and mothers can also benefit from this nutrient.
    • Fish
      Super-rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, fish aids in the development of the fetus’s brain and eyes. Salmon is well-known in this regard and is also a great source of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immunity development. Eating 2-3 meals with fatty fish per week is more than adequate, as it also helps increase EPA and DHA levels in the blood.
    • Berries
      Pregnancy symptoms like nausea, heartburn, and fatigue take a toll on women. Their immunity and skin health suffer a great deal, but berries can easily address these issues. They are rich in water, carbs, vitamins, antioxidants, and plant compounds. Plus, they aid in the absorption of iron, which is necessary for maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels.
    • Whole grains
      Grains furnish carbohydrates and are the body’s source of energy. As mentioned earlier, expecting mothers are often fatigued, so a diet rich in grains is helpful for coping with this pregnancy symptom. Grains are packed with plant compounds, vitamins, fiber, and magnesium, and they also have iron content, which helps reduce the risk of losing blood at the time of delivery.
    • Water
      Dehydration is common during pregnancy, and it leads to dizziness, headaches, and cramping. Drinking at least ten glasses of water daily ensures that the body stays hydrated, and it also helps prevent morning sickness and indigestion. Water is especially important in the third trimester, as it helps prevent the side effects of dehydration. Nutrients and vitamins that the mother consumes are transported to the fetus by water, which adds even more significance to it.
    • Pasteurized milk
      Especially vital in the last trimester of pregnancy where the baby’s bones develop, drinking pasteurized milk provides strength to both the mother and the child. It has a supreme blend of the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbohydrates. According to the US Department of Agriculture, consuming three cups of dairy products is ideal for pregnant women. The milk, however, should be low-fat and not raw, as raw milk isn’t treated for bacteria. This is especially dangerous for expecting mothers who could easily be infected by listeria bacteria, a microorganism that causes an infection and can also prove devastating for unborn babies.
  • Health
    3 edibles that are beneficial for oral health

    Morning routines are ingrained in our systems—waking up, turning on the coffee/tea machine, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, and so on. The coffee/tea is then accompanied by a range of choices— books, news, or the ever-present phone. But here is our question: while we have been at it for ages, how good a shape are our mouth and teeth in? And what can we do to make it better?

    Our mouth is home to about a billion different bacteria. These microorganisms that live inside our oral cavities can prove to be dangerous to the mouth and teeth. That is exactly why parents around the world keep reminding their kids to brush their teeth before getting into bed as well. The last time we learned how to brush our teeth was when we were toddlers and we more or less know how to go about it. But how often do we floss? It’s important to remember that flossing is just as important as brushing.

    The best means of maintaining impeccable oral health is by keeping your mouth and teeth food-free. Sugar acts as a storehouse of bacteria in our mouth and teeth. Similarly, there is a range of food products or ingredients that help in maintaining oral health. We enlist three of them:

    • Chewing gum

    The process of chewing stimulates the production of saliva, which, in turn, rids the mouth and teeth of the harmful acids the residing bacteria produce. Saliva also consists of calcium and phosphates, which result in the strengthening of the teeth. Chewing on a strip of gum can provide you with these benefits, but there is a catch. You can’t pick a random bubble gum from the supermarket aisle. To reap all the benefits of a chewing gum, you need to carefully select one that is sugar-free.

    Some sugar-free gums contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol, a chemical compound that helps in killing oral bacteria. This means that chewing gums help you exercise and cleanse your mouth and also get rid of bad breath.

    • Cheese

    Cheese, a dairy product, is quite beneficial for the mouth and teeth. The high levels of phosphate and calcium that it contains help strengthen the teeth. Apart from providing strength, cheese also regulates and maintains the pH levels in our mouths. Balanced pH levels have benefits such as decreased levels of harmful acid production, cleaner salivary secretion, and lesser cavities.

    • Water

    Saliva washes the excess sugars and acids in the mouth and teeth. This provides protection against plaque and cavities. Similarly, water rids the mouth and teeth of the unwanted, harmful build-up of germs. Water also contains fluoride, a chemical that is present in toothpastes and mouthwashes, which strengthens the tooth enamel.

  • Health
    6 non-invasive pain manangement techniques

    Pain is a signal sent by the body to the brain to indicate a problem. For instance, sharp pain in the ankle may indicate ankle sprain or even fracture, but it goes away as the muscles and bones heal. However, pain can sometimes linger for weeks or months on end, and a person may even experience chronic pain for years in extreme cases. This type of pain can be caused by a chronic illness or condition and deteriorates a patient’s quality of life. Here are a few non-invasive pain management techniques to manage and reduce the intensity of pain:

    • Occupational therapy and physical therapy: One of the best and most effective pain management techniques is to undergo physical and occupational therapy. Physical therapy comprises exercises that improve and preserve mobility and the strength of joints and muscles. On the other hand, occupational therapy involves learning techniques to perform everyday physical activities easily without aggravating the pain.
    • Biofeedback: Breathing and relaxation techniques are taught using a biofeedback machine. The machine converts physiological function data like blood pressure and heart rate into visual cues like blinking lights and graphs. Looking at these visualizations and modifying the output allows a person to learn how to control their body’s response to chronic pain.
    • Tai chi and yoga: Involving meditation, breathing control, and gentle, slow movements that strengthen and stretch muscles, tai chi and yoga are extremely useful for pain management. These two techniques are beneficial for managing pain caused by arthritis, headaches, and lingering injuries.
    • Exercise: Regular physical exercise can be very effective in helping break the vicious cycle of pain. Gentle aerobic exercises like cycling, walking, and swimming can effectively help in the management of pain associated with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis. Such conditions reduce mobility, which aggravates the pain, but light exercising can help improve mobility and reduce the intensity of pain.
    • Heat and cold therapy: One of the best ways to relieve pain induced by injuries is to use heat and cold therapy. This therapy is always effective for short-term pain management, and homemade hot and cold packs work wonders in most cases. Otherwise, chiropractors or physiotherapists have their own versions of hot and cold therapies for deeper penetration into tissues and muscles.
    • Diet modification: Pain is usually the result of the inflammation of muscles and joints, and certain foods can trigger inflammation and aggravate the symptoms. Diet modification after consulting a dietitian or nutritionist can help deal with this cause of pain. The inclusion of certain foods and the exclusion of some others can help relieve inflammation and alleviate pain. Diet modification is usually not effective by itself, so other pain management techniques may be combined for optimal results.
  • Health
    5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

    Adequate and quality sleep is extremely important for mental and physical well-being. People struggle with various kinds of sleep disorders that can cause extreme discomfort and prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep. This, in turn, can make them feel tired during the day, affect their concentration levels, and even cause depression. Let’s take a look at some of the common sleep disorders people suffer from and understand how they can be treated.

    Types of sleep disorders

    Here are the five most common types of sleep disorders:


    Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder among adults and is characterized by the inability to fall or remain asleep for long. It is often the result of anxiety, stress, digestion issues, or other underlying health conditions. For some people, insomnia can last for a few years, while others may only experience a few sleepless nights at a time.

    Sleep apnea

    Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that can be chronic at times. A person with sleep apnea may stop breathing for a few seconds multiple times at night, which reduces the oxygen levels in their blood and triggers them to wake up and breathe normally again. This leads to disturbed and low-quality sleep.


    People with parasomnia display a quirky behavior while they’re asleep. People around them could often find them sleepwalking, sleep talking, groaning, having nightmares, bedwetting, grinding their teeth, or clenching their jaw. Sometimes, parasomnia is caused by underlying sleep disorders like sleep apnea, and treating the underlying condition can stop the parasomnia episodes in such cases.

    Restless leg syndrome

    Some people can’t sleep without moving their legs throughout the night. This is known as the restless leg syndrome and occurs when the individual experiences aches or a burning or tingling sensation in their legs. The exact cause of this sleep disorder is not yet known, but experts say that it can be triggered by underlying causes like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease.


    People with narcolepsy suddenly feel extremely tired during the daytime, which can make them fall asleep without warning in the middle of another activity. Narcolepsy can result in sleep paralysis, meaning an individual cannot easily make bodily movements right after waking up. Experts say that it can be the result of neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis.

    Treating sleep disorders

    The treatment varies based on the type of disorder an individual is diagnosed with. The doctor will most likely put them on medications and recommend lifestyle changes to improve their sleep quality and patterns. Here’s how sleep disorders can be treated:

    Lifestyle modification

    Lifestyle changes can be more effective than medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders, and they don’t have any side effects either:

    • Create and stick to a sleep schedule
    • Avoid taking naps during the day
    • Refrain from caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol consumption in the evening
    • Drink less water before going to bed
    • Avoid having a heavy meal late in the day
    • Include more vegetable and fish in the diet
    • Work out to reduce stress and anxiety

    Medical treatments

    Medical treatment for sleep disorders generally involves one or more of the following, depending on the type sleep disorder:

    • Sleeping pills
    • Medicines for allergies or cold
    • Medications for any underlying health issues
    • Breathing device or surgery, usually for sleep apnea
    • Melatonin supplements
  • Health
    5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

    Located between the small intestine and the esophagus, the stomach is the center of the digestive system. In most cases, other health disorders, the consumption of certain foods, the quantity of food consumed, and the timing of meals can upend the digestive process. This leads to the manifestation of several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, appetite changes, belching, and abdominal pain. Each of these symptoms or combination of symptoms is the result of a specific stomach condition. Here are some of the common digestion-related stomach conditions that trouble almost everyone:

    • Gallstones: Formed in the gallbladder, gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluid. The gallbladder is responsible for storing and secreting the bile required for digestion, and stones form if the gallbladder does not empty out properly. These deposits also form when there is a high amount of cholesterol or waste products in the bile. Intense pain can occur if the gallstones block the ducts that lead from the gallbladder to the intestines. Medications and surgery are usually the solutions for dissolving or removing the stones, respectively.
    • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): GERD occurs when the acid in the stomach flows back up the esophagus. A person experiences a burning sensation in their chest due to this. While heartburn and acid reflux are common once in a while, experiencing these symptoms for more than twice a week can indicate GERD. The symptoms of this stomach condition usually include bad breath, tooth erosion, breathing trouble, and trouble swallowing. Avoiding trigger foods and taking medications help people with mild GERD.
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): IBS causes stomach pain and discomfort, which may be experienced at least thrice a month and can go on for several months without any relief. The main cause of IBS is not yet known, and the symptoms usually include constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. The symptoms usually vary from person to person, and treatment involves diet modifications. The inclusion of probiotics and low-fat, high-fiber foods and the exclusion of trigger foods can help ease the symptoms effectively.
    • Ulcerative colitis: An inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis affects the colon or large intestine. Ulcers and sores begin to develop in the colon as the immune system malfunctions and considers food as an invader. This leads to urgent and frequent bowel movements, along with other symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and blood in the stool. Treatment for this stomach condition includes diet modifications, medications, and surgery.
    • Crohn’s disease: Similar to ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. It usually affects the terminal ileum, which connects the colon to the small bowel. Although the main cause of Crohn’s disease is not known, family history and genetics may be common risk factors. The symptoms of this stomach condition generally include diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, fever, and weight loss. The treatment options include surgery and medication.
  • Health
    How to prepare for old age

    Aging is never looked forward to and is always portrayed in diminishing and negative light. All talk about aging is rife with difficulty, pain, and niggles. The biggest change, when it comes to aging, is the physiological changes and deterioration. Everything ranging from your heart to your head and from your bones to your muscles undergoes wear and tear over the years. This is one of the biggest fears associated with aging; and therefore, there is never a healthy discussion over it. However, the best way to react to aging is to prepare for it via information, practice, and adopting healthy life choices and routines.

    Before you learn how to prepare for aging, you need to know which parts of your body primarily slow down with age.

    • Heart

    As you age, the muscles in your body stiffen – these include the muscles of the cardiovascular system. Due to this, your heart is forced to pump harder which increases the risk of heart problems.

    • Brain

    With age, your thinking capability and memory both seem to diminish. You may find yourself tinkering around to remember basic things such as names of people or places or where you kept a certain object such as keys.

    • Digestive system

    Similar to other systems of the body, the digestive system loses its capacity to digest, absorb, and assimilate food. As you age, you may become more prone to constipation, acidity, and other gastrointestinal problems.

    • Urinary tract

    With age, your bladder loses elasticity, losing control of your bladder. You may have to visit the loo frequently or even have trouble with incontinence.

    • Senses

    With age, your eyesight may diminish, your earring may get impaired, and even your sense of smell may be affected.

    How to prepare for aging?

    There is certainly no stopping the natural phenomena of aging. However, you can prepare for it by adopting a healthy lifestyle in your younger days. Continue reading to know how you can prepare for aging in advance.

    • Ensure that you incorporate an exercising routine in your daily schedule. You need not compulsorily go to the gym or lift weights. Instead, you can simply pursue a physical activity such as walking, running, or swimming to keep yourself in shape.
    • Get ahead of any of your physical ailments by ensuring that you go for regular physical check-ups. If you are over the age of 40, then it is recommended that you undergo a full-body check-up at least once a year. This way you will be able to stay on top of your health at all times.
    • While exercise helps you get fit, dietary changes will help you maintain your health. Avoid fried, salty, and sugary foods. Instead, add more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods to your regular diet. Also, ensure that you are getting the required amount of vitamins and minerals from your diet.
    • Lastly, if you smoke or drink regularly, reduce or eliminate these habits completely to ensure a healthy old age.